Together Towards Better Nutrition: Promoting Healthy Eating Habits Through Community Unity

In an era marked by fast-paced lifestyles and convenience-driven food choices, the importance of maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet cannot be emphasized enough. The rising prevalence of diet-related health issues such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease, have prompted a global call for action to promote healthy eating habits. In this endeavour, the power […]

Comprehending Alzheimer’s Disease

Genetic Susceptibility, Symptoms, Strategies For Prevention     Alzheimer’s disease is a relentless and debilitating brain disorder affecting millions worldwide. As the leading cause of dementia, it presents a significant health challenge in ageing populations. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, about 5.3 million Indians are currently living with this condition, and the numbers continue to […]

Monsoon Maladies: Stomach Bug, Stomach Flu And Food Poisoning

Dr. Trishala Chopra is an alternative medicine specialist commanding a decade of success in managing Diabetes, Obesity, PCOD/PCOS, Metabolic Disorders, Gut-health and Sleep-disorders. As a Health Coach, Dr. Trishala empowers your body’s potential to heal itself through a balanced ‘Gut-Mind-Body’ approach to help you achieve your wellness goals. Heartiest Congratulations to Dr. Trishala Chopra for […]

It’s Just A Pause!

Between hot flashes, anxiety and mood swings, among other symptoms, the effects of menopause can be overwhelming. While there are different remedies that may help, 73% of menopausal women, aged 40 to 60 years, do not seek treatment. But you don’t need to just grin and bear your symptoms. Help is on hand for those […]

Discover The Potential Health Benefits Of Mouth Taping… And Why It’s An Effective Sleep Hack!

I’ve encountered numerous unique wellness trends through my decade-plus experience as a hormone, gut-health and sleep specialist. One such trend gaining prominence is ‘Mouth Taping’ – a practice where you tape your mouth shut during sleep. Despite its seemingly drastic nature, many individuals, including my patients, claim its effectiveness, making it a popular topic in […]