The New Year Happiness Challenge: A 30-Day Guide To Greater Well-Being

Psychologist Mehezabin Dordi practices at the Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital, where she assesses, formulates and implements comprehensive therapeutic interventions for patients with psychological / psychiatric problems, and others. Everyone seeks happiness but each one of us defines it differently – in terms of what it is that gives us joy, satisfaction, contentment, and […]

All About Respect!

To be respected is a far greater compliment than Love. They say respect for ourselves guides our morals, while respect for others guides our manners. There is no relationship without mutual respect. So, what is respect really? They say it is a positive feeling towards another’s skills, opinions or characteristics. It also means honoring a […]

Gift A Pictorial ‘Present’ Of Our Rich ‘Past’ On Navroz!

A compilation of over a hundred pictures depicting our rich Zoroastrian culture and heritage, ‘Like Sugar In Milk’ is a photographic compendium authored by Italian photojournalist, Majlend Bramo. Commencing this project back in 2014, 30-year-old Majlend states, “While working for the Florence based newspaper, ‘Corriere Della Sera’, I came across an Italian book by Terzani […]