From The Editor’s Desk

Be‘Cause’ Of You! Dear Readers, It was wonderful receiving your numerous responses to last week’s editorial – ‘A Cause Bigger Than Yourself’ – which encouraged you to participate in a cause and make a bigger, collective difference. It was heartening to see so many of our community members expressing not just willingness, but a desire […]

From The Editor's Desk

From The Editor’s Desk

A Cause Bigger Than Yourself Dear Readers, Every day presents us numerous opportunities to become better versions of ourselves. Some opportunities facilitate self-improvement, others present the potential of impacting a whole lot of people – enabling us to participate in a cause bigger than ourselves. When we choose the latter, we contribute towards the greater […]

From The Editor's Desk

From The Editor’s Desk

Enjoying The Rains, The Here, The Now.. Dear Readers, The rains have finally descended upon us in all their glory! And we will increasingly be wading through more potholes than road… stuck in those endlessly meandering traffic jams… cursing the accumulating and unattended heaps of filth gathering alongside the pavements, as we gingerly paddle our […]

From The Editor's Desk

From The Editor’s Desk

Of Memories… Dear Readers, We are thrilled at Parsi Times to continue celebrating the various academic successes of our super-student-achievers, who truly seem poised to lead us yet again to our erstwhile glory (Check out Parsi Pride Brigade Pg. 3). Though we are unable to accommodate the results of all who write in, we congratulate […]

From The Editor's Desk

From The Editor’s Desk

Pride And Honor! Dear Readers, The past week belonged to students, with schools and colleges announcing the academic culmination of the hard work put in by students all over India. Our community was ecstatic with very good reason – as our very own Bombay-boy Farzan Bharucha topped the Mumbai Boards and came in second, all-India, […]

From The Editor’s Desk

The Perfect Surprise! Dear Readers, It was indeed surprising to all in our community when we got to know that our Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor would be filling in the prestigious position of Parsi Member on the National Commission of Minorities. What a perfect surprise! Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastoor, the youngest of our high-priests, who […]

From The Editor’s Desk

God-Fearing Or God-Loving? Dear Readers, Some months ago, a lovely Parsi woman, settled abroad, dropped in to our office, and as she shared a few amusing stories about her take on Parsipanu in India and abroad, I couldn’t help but notice her habitual use of the phrase, ‘God-fearing Parsi’, in reference to herself and to […]

From The Editor’s Desk

This Toxic Sense Of Entitlement Dear Readers, Many times, the solution to a crisis escapes us, hidden beneath its smaller details. As concerned and responsible Parsis/Iranis in India, we are all disturbed about our eminent extinction and disappointed at the slow pace of well-meaning initiatives and solutions. There are other issues which plague our community, […]