Letters To The Editor

Throwing Light On The Metro III Alignments by Maneck Engineer Kudos to Parsi Times for bringing out an excellent article in the issue dated 11th November, 2017, with an exhaustive explanation along with diagrams, to clear the doubts from the minds of the community members, that the Metro does not undermine the sanctity of religious […]

Letters To The Editor

Re: Parsi General Hospital-Medanta Concerns [Note To Readers: Recently a Mumbai lawyer wrote to various government authorities and the CEO of Medanta allegedly insinuating non-issues regarding Medanta’s handling of the new medical facility at the Parsi General Hospital. Principal donors of Parsi General Hospital, Pervin and Jal Shroff, mailed Parsi Times the following communication with […]

The Feast of Tirangan (Mah Tir, Roj Tir) Celebrates Reign of Peace and Rain of Prosperity!

. Tir, or Testar (Avestan Tishtrya), is the divinity presiding over the Star Sirius (Greek Seirios which means glowing or scorching) or the Dog Star which is the brightest star visible from all parts of the earth in the night sky. Sirius is colloquially called the ‘Dog Star’, on account of its prominence in the constellation […]