If your list of New Year resolutions demanded your being faster, fitter and leaner, here’s how to get going. Starting a fitness program can be rewarding yet challenging! If you’ve thought about starting, you’ve already set the ball rolling. Psychologists call this stage of change, ‘The Contemplative Stage’. There are a variety of ways to […]
Tag: Mumbai
Hyderabad Parsis Felicitate Er. Kavas Umrigar For Thirty Years Of Service
The Parsis of Hyderabad felicitated Er. Kavas D. Umrigar, Mobeb of Bai Maneckbai N. Chenoy Agiary, Hyderabad, who retired after putting in thirty years of sincere and dedicated service to the Agiary. The well-attended function commenced with a Humbandagi and a Tandarosti prayer led by Head Priest Er. Mehernosh Bharucha for Er. Kavas and wife […]
Chomp And Cheers: Bhatia Chicken
Ingredients: 400gms – Chopped Onion; 50 gms – Ginger Garlic paste (2:1 ratio); 150 gms – Tomato paste, 50 gms – Cashewnut paste; 10 gms – Coriander Powder; 10 gms – Jeera Powder; 3 gms – Cinnamon; 3 gms – Star Anise; 3 gms – Green Cardamom; 3 gms – Black Cardamom; 1gm – Clove; […]
TechKnow With Tantra: SoundHound – Music Discovery
Hey, what song is that? SoundHound makes it simple to discover music playing around you. Whether you’re in the car or in the outdoors, hit the big orange SoundHound button, let your phone listen for a few seconds, and it will tell you what’s playing! It works even if you hum the tune yourself! Discovering […]
Meherbai’s Mandli Visits New Restaurant
Meherbai loved Merwanji especially because of his chivalry and good manners. Feminist Freny hated Merwanji opening car-doors, pulling chairs and standing-up when a lady entered the room. Freny called it chibagiri but Merwanji called it chivalry. Freny: But you are doing it all wrong, Meherwan! The old code of conduct says be nice to damsels in distress. Well, we are […]
Effective Investment Strategies For NRIs
Porus Khambatta, a master mariner by profession was sipping his cup of coffee reading through a finance page of a leading daily when suddenly a piece of news caught his attention, causing him worry. He immediately sought explanation on the amendment to the PPF Scheme, 1968, “If a resident, who opened a PPF account under […]
Hush Puppy!
“Arf! Woof! Awhhooo! Rrruff!” It’s 5 am and that wretched dog is at it again! Fuming you wonder what has triggered off the barking frenzy this time. But before you fling your pillow at him, stop and listen. Perhaps he is trying to tell you something. Dogs are social creatures and use barking as a […]
Scholarships For Chenoy School Students By PCCSL
On the occasion of Secunderabad’s Bai Ratanbai J. Chenoy Parsi High School’s Annual Sports Day on 19th January, 2018, the People’s Co-operative Credit Society Ltd. (PCCSL), Hyderabad, provided scholarships worth Rs.72,460/- to deserving students of the school, in addition to a cheque of Rs. 5,000/- towards teachers’ welfare. The cheques were presented to School Secretary, […]
Bengallee Girls’ School Organises Annual Day
The Annual Prize Distribution Function of Bai Bhikhaijee Shapoorjee Bengallee Girls’ High School was held at Sheth Goculdas Tejpal Auditorium on 19th January 2018, with criminal lawyer and theatre personality, Huzan Wadia gracing the occasion as the Chief Guest. Attended by President of Parsee Girls’ School Association (PGSA), Minoo Bilimoria; Honorary Treasurer, Kersi Commissariat; Trustee, […]
Who Loses Character, He Loses All!
. Ahura Mazda, Thou dost create man; Thou dost not create his character. It is man’s own creation. Man is its maker and it springs from within him. It is his inestimable personal acquisition. Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds form character. It is the outward manifestation of man’s inner life regulated by the […]
When Bad Things Happen To Good People
Be prepared for and accept whatever challenges you may attract in life For these are meant to make you grow in strength and wisdom These experiences should make you better, not bitter. For centuries, men and women the world over, across race and creed, have asked the question, “Why, God, why?”, when disaster strikes. And, […]