5 Exercise Forms To Fight Depression

Studies show that exercise can be effective antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression (and with side effects such as improved health and weight management, rather than the bloating and sexual dysfunction associated with medicines). How does moving the body change the mind? A wealth of work – both in the lab and with patients […]

Coping With Anger

Life can be like a roller coaster ride, at times open and smooth, at other times challenging to the extreme. What helps you manage both, is your ability to adapt and cope with that moment. The word ‘coping’ refers to the ability to deal effectively with something that is challenging and difficult as per the […]

From The Editor's Desk

From The Editor’s Desk

Dear Readers, We step into the second half of 2018 as a community which seems to have grown in unity, especially over the past few months. It was wonderful to witness the community’s unity manifest into the much-needed ‘Save Our Atash Behram’ Movement, last month. And more recently, the BPP Board welcomed its newly elected […]