The Iranshah Udwada Utsav (IUU) 2024 buzz is in full swing, even as we close in on the Community’s much awaited fest – the largest platform for the coming together of Zoroastrians from India and across the world, to yet again celebrate our cultural, social and religious ethos, in Udwada – our pilgrimage headquarters! Parsi […]
Tag: Parsipanu
Kudos Diana!
Dear Readers, What a wonderful start to the New Year for the community, with tall feathers being added to the proud Parsi cap, keeping alive our legacy of illustrious achievement. Of course, I speak of our very own ‘speed-savant’ Diana Pundole, whose extraordinary achievement has been the toast of the community and the nation, making […]
Minoo Shroff – The Complete (Gentle)Man
14th April, 2024 marked the passing of revered community icon, Minoo Shroff – former Chairman of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet, and former Managing Director of Raymond, one of India’s leading textile and clothing brand. He passed away peacefully at his home in Mumbai at the age of 95. Born in Mumbai to Jerbai and Rustomji […]
Navroz Celebrations At JJ Hospital’s Parsi Ward
For over thirty-five years now, Arnavaz Jal Mistry, one of the community’s foremost stalwarts known for dedicating her life to community service, has been ensuring that our less privileged brethren residing at J J Hospital’s Parsi Ward get to celebrate all the auspicious occasions. Continuing that noble tradition, Navroze was celebrated amidst much merriment and […]
Young Rathestars Hold Gala Exhibition
The Young Rathestars – our community’s leading Social Welfare Association, from Dadar Parsi Colony – held a successful exhibition-cum-sale, at the Sorab Palamkote Hall on 9th and 10th March, 2024, where over 74 exhibitors exhibited their wares across 141 stalls. The exhibition was thronged with a large number of community members who came in to […]
Merry Christmas! Dear Readers, A distinguishing factor about Parsis is we celebrate every festival with zest and glee. Christmas holds a special place in our hearts perhaps because we resonate with its essential spirit of giving – in keeping with the essence of our very own Parsipanu, oft defined as philanthropy. While no one should […]
Sal Mubarak! Dear Readers, There’s always something auspicious about new beginnings – even as we ready ourselves to welcome YZ 1393! A lingering sense of hope and positivity envelopes even the greatest sceptics – the magic of new beginnings rubs off on all! And we all come together to celebrate our unique Parsipanu, […]
From the Editors Desk
Dear Readers, It gives me immense delight to share with you our Bumper Special issue celebrating the glorious and biggest event in the Zoroastrian calendar worldwide – the third chapter of the Iranshah Udvada Utsav or IUU 2019, as we welcome the New Year 2020! Reinforcing our core commitment to our community’s progress and […]
Meherbai’s Mandli Discusses Parsipanu!
The Mandli met at a posh club over an all-fish menu comprising Koliwada-prawns, Surmai-fry, Pomfret Hyderabadi, grilled-Ravas, fish-fingers, barbequed-Basa, stir-fried Squid and Jinga-biryani. Khadhri Ketayun: Bus atlooj? Where’s your Parsipanu Meherbai? We are a khanar-peenar community! This much won’t fit in my left molar – dabhi dahr ma bi nai maasey! Koomi Kaajwali: Mehri, don’t fall into Ketu’s trap. She wants you […]
Authorspeak With Berjis Desai
Berjis Desai: Authorspeak My parents realised quite early that their only child was incapable of playing any game or participating in any sport. The fat little lump could not spin tops or roll marbles or fly kites. There was no television either. So my journalist father encouraged me to write. Those days, a Parsi weekly […]
Parsipanu – Living The Zoroastrian Way Of Life
One often hears Parsis say that they are proud to be Parsis. However, try asking the average Parsi in the street what it means to be a Zarathushtrian (a follower of Prophet Zarathushtra) and you are likely to draw a blank. At best, you are likely to hear the over-simplified and stereotyped message of, ‘Good […]