Twist In The Wrist?

Ever had the nagging, burning or tingling sensation accompanied by pain along your wrist and fingers which doesn’t subside easily? Wrist pain that doesn’t wear off can be attributed to several causes – the more common one being the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. ‘Carpus’ means wrist in Latin. In simplified terms, the carpal tunnel is a […]

Masina Hospital Inaugurates Upgraded ‘Physiotherapy And Rehab Dept.’

On 10th July, 2019, Mumbai’s Masina Hospital inaugurated its upgraded ‘Physiotherapy and Rehab Department’, in partnership with ReLiva Physiotherapy and Rehab. The facility has been set up to compliment and support Orthopaedics, Cardiac and Neurosciences specialities in the Hospital. It was inaugurated in the presence of Dr. Aashish Contractor, MBBS, MED (US), Center for Rehabilitation Medicine […]