There are two types of Parsis – those who love tea and those who love coffee. Kekoo Coffeewala, more popularly known as Kekoo-Kalingar (Watermelon) loved coffee since childhood. His psychiatrist knew that Kekoo’s coffee-mania went back to his embryo-stage since his mother Ketayun had an urge for this beverage throughout the nine months she carried […]
Tag: Ruby
Spirituality And Religion
The etymology of the word ‘religion’ comes from the Latin root word ‘religare’ which means to unite or to join. To join or unite what? Obviously, Man with God and more importantly, man with man. Has any religion in world history managed to do that? In fact, most wars have been fought in the name […]
Meherbai’s Mandli Discusses Food On World Food Day!
By now, readers know that Meherbai’s Mandli members were complete foodies and great travellers. So on the eve of World Food Day, which falls on October 16th, the Mandli gathered at the Parsi Gymkhana grounds, to discuss food they had eaten in different parts of the world, over Korean barbequed chicken sandwiches, bhajiyas and tea. […]
Exposing The Yawn
There is no point in denying it, ‘Everybody yawns’! The yawn held practical value for the father of medicine, Hippocrates, the 5th Century BC physician who concluded that intense or prolonged yawning was a proof-positive symptom of an impending fever. He was incorrect. In fact, there is little evidence that the yawn has any diagnostic […]
Meherbai And Her Mava Cakes!
Meherbai and Merwanji were enjoying their afternoon tea with Khari biscuits and home-made mava cakes. The fragrance of the freshly baked cakes reached the sensitive noses of their obnoxious neighbours, Jaloo and Aloo, who decided to have some under the guise of a courtesy home- visit. Merwanji answered the door since answering doors for the […]
Meherbai And The Story Of ‘25 Slaps’
At their usual Chai-pe-Charcha session, this time at the US Club at Colaba, Meherbai’s Mandli drove the waiter crazy (so what’s new?) with each one ordering a different dish and different preferences ranging from “Don’t put salt!”, “Put more salt!”, “No Ajinomoto in the soup!”, ” Yes, more Ajinomoto!”, “Make it sweet!”, “No sugar please!”, […]
Meherbai Ni Mandli Na New Year’s Resolutions
After an entire year (2016) of tea-parties, lunches, coffee-mornings in various clubs of Mumbai, from Colaba’s US Club to Bandra’s Otter’s Club, Meherbai and her group of ladies were exhausted. “Let’s be serious now. I mean really serious “ she said as they gathered in the last week of this year at the Wodehouse Gymkhana […]
The Aura Around Us
Of all the branches of occult sciences, the most interesting is the study of aura. Speaking concisely, the aura is a subtle, magnetic emanation generated by the etheric and other forces of the being or object with which it is connected. Everything in nature generates its own aura, atmosphere or magnetism. The fact is equally […]
Meherbai’s Chai Pe Charcha
Two weeks ago Shirin Merchant wrote a beautiful article in Parsi Times called ‘15 Ways To Show Your Dog Your Love’. Meherbai got an ‘aha-moment’, an inspiration, a revelation, a Eureka and phoned her entire group of friends that the next ‘Chai pe Charcha’ will be on ‘A Few Ways To Show Your Husband Your […]
Meherbai’s Coffee-Pe-Charcha
Meherbai got up on the morning of her coffee-party lamenting: “Asal no Jamano Gayo. Once, money meant gold-coins, Sona-Mohar. Later we had silver-coins. I still remember how one rupee silver-coin fallen on the ground sounded like the one-rupee coin of ‘Sholay’ in Dolby-system – KHANNANG!! Su Vajan ne purchasing power!” Then came tamba-coins (copper-coins). After […]