‘Asha Vahishta’ (Pune) Celebrates 1st Anniversary

Christmas Day in December 2018 indeed brought in tidings of joy and celebrations at Pune’s Dadgah, ‘Asha Vahishta – The Zoroastrian Center’, as it marked the completion of a fruitful year filled with success, blessings and smiles. Over two hundred Zoroastrians attended the 1st Anniversary celebrations at the majestic Dadgah, which is gaining increasingly in […]

A Unique Zoroastrian Insight: ‘Vighnaharta’ And ‘Verethragna’ As Remover Of Obstacles

Lord Ganesha is invoked before commencing anything significant and it is for this reason that he is called the ‘Lord of Beginnings’. He is also known as Vighnaharta or remover of obstacles. The concept of Vighnaharta or remover of obstacles resonates with the Zoroastrian concept of Verethragna or victorious (in overcoming difficulties, foes or enemies). What Vighnaharta Ganesha is to devout Hindus, Verethragna Bahram […]

Social Initiatives By ZDO

The Zoroastrian Dentist Organization (ZDO) recently conducted a one-day dental camp at Navsari, providing free treatment, including dental implants, to needy Zoroastrians on 28th January, 2018. ZDO also organized a full day Continuing Dental Education (CDE) seminar at the Taj Mahal Hotel with over forty-five Zoroastrian dentists in attendance. The program commenced with a minute […]