Congratulations to BPP Trustees for their wise, bold and progressive move to bring peace, harmony and happiness in our peace-loving Community!
We all share a fundamental wish to live a happy life with peace and harmony. Poverty, illiteracy and over population hinder progress and development. Luckily, we are a small community, affluent in status and highly educated. Our kind and loving forefathers, in the spirit of philanthropy provided all amenities, so that the community lives a peaceful life and progress. From the early days, our small community has lived like an extended family, despite having minor differences.
The main problem today lies in the bankruptcy of sound leadership in the community. We need a permanent charter of laws and frame rules to govern the community. Trustees come and go – they create their own rules binding on the community, which are at times unethical and outrageous. People have no freedom to follow their hearts, though religion gives us the freedom to follow the voice of our conscience and do what we feel is good for us and our surroundings. Trustees, instead of solving problems amicably, have wasted their time and community welfare funds to file meaningless litigations.
However, it is most heartening to know that the BPP trustees have come together once and for all, and realized the need to call upon some of the best stalwarts of the community, taken them into confidence and with their valuable advice, will resolve some of the most contemptuous matters of the community. All the sixteen members of the Consultative Committee are experienced, seasoned, mature workers with great vision and foresight. This is the first concrete step that will bring order and discipline in the working of the BPP.
Though there exists a wide gap between the orthodox and the reformists, there is a very thin line between the liberal orthodox and traditional reformists who believe in ‘live and let live’ and practice religion their own way, without interfering in the way how others practice their religion. Most of the members of the Consultative Committee have a balanced mind and will undoubtedly strive to end conflicts in the community.
I heartily congratulate the Trustees for taking up this bold and positive initiative and wish them good luck to bring peace, harmony and happiness in our respected community. They have identified some pressing issues mostly related to housing, properties and assets. These will take time and efforts and a lot of deliberation. But there are some issues which have unnecessarily caused bitterness in the community. We fight over lesser irrelevant matters like disposal of dead bodies, which can be hazardous if disposal is delayed. These problems can be easily resolved with a little understanding and tolerance.
What has happened in the past is most unfortunate and unjust. Let us put the past behind us and open a new chapter to bring peace and prosperity, unity and understanding, love, peace and joy in the community! May all the good spirits of our dearly departed lead us to righteousness! Good luck and God bless them all! May their efforts bring rich dividends!
Piroja Homi Jokhi