On 2nd January, 2021, the Ba Humata (Good Thoughts) Webinar series presents its 13th global Webinar titled ‘Building Trust Without Thrust’, celebrating the Day of Collective Consciousness in honor of Asho Zarathushtra. The Webinar will feature respected Vada Dasturji Keki Ravji – High Priest of Navsari (India), with speakers – Roshan and Rohinton Rivetna (USA); Mobed Pedram Soroushpoor (Iran); Vista Khosravi (UK), alongside Founder, Host and Moderator of Ba Humata – Dr. Karishma Koka, the Zarathushti Neuro-scientist from Cambridge University (UK).
When: Sunday, 2nd January, 2021
Where: ZOOM platform: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83408826220
[Meeting ID: 83408826220 & Passcode: BAHUMATA]
Time: 9:30pm-IST; 8:00am-PST; 11:00am-EST; 4:00pm-UK; 8:00pm-UAE; 7:30pm-Iran
Speakers and biographies arranged by Mentor and Facilitator – Meher Amalsad. Technical support provided by Yazdi Tantra.
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