Be Parsi, Buy Parsi!
Dear Readers,
As a community, we are known and respected for having birthed some of the nation’s and the world’s most accomplished entrepreneurs. Not too long ago, the word ‘enterprise’ was considered synonymous to Parsis in the business context. We proudly lay claim to the world’s greatest industrialist – our very own Ratan Tata – as part of our minuscule but glorious clan. To this day, this great business visionary and legendary industrialist is saluted globally and nationally, for his colossal contribution towards nation-building as well as winning the international markets.
Over the past few decades, the entrepreneurial bug, unfortunately, had been hibernating, as most opted for the safer career route of being the gainful employee, as opposed to wearing the mantle of the risk-taking employer. But that changed for a lot of us with the onset of the pandemic. Many who lost their jobs and earnings, as also some others who sought alternative career options, chose to start their own small-sized home-businesses or enterprises, in keeping with the mandatory restrictions imposed due to the pandemic.
The community witnessed a whole new wave of small businesses mushrooming – a good part of which comprised home-chefs, alongside others offering various products and services… with good success, thanks to social media platforms and messenger services doing a super marketing job! As a community, let’s do all we can to nurture these small-sized enterprises and our budding entrepreneurs into sizeable successes.
Parsi Times has earlier showcased a number of such businesses and entrepreneurs on multiple occasions, with the aim of providing the proverbial push. Together, we could all make a big difference – as direct consumers or simply by spreading the word about these businesses with our friends and family. But let’s surely do our bit to support this new wave of dynamic women and men, who have chosen this enterprising path, and could soon prove to be the crucial wheels which will, once again, get the entrepreneurial locomotive of our community running!
Be Parsi, Buy Parsi! Wot?
Have a good weekend!
– Anahita
- Parsi Youth: The Key To Securing Our Legacy - 22 February2025
- The Joy of Giving – A Parsi Legacy - 15 February2025
- From The Editor’s Desk - 8 February2025