From the Editors Desk

From The Editor's Desk

Dear Readers,

Little did we know what awaited us when we merrily crossed over from 2019 to 2020. Who would’ve thought that life would never be the same again, as Covid descended upon all humanity. A year later, weary with loss and fear, but still holding on to faith and hope, we entered 2021, with some very warranted trepidation… unsure of this unknown and unpredictable enemy that had taken over our lives. We wondered what the future held and if life would finally bring in some respite. But it dealt us one of its deadliest blows with the second wave hitting us mid-year. We survived, somehow. Destiny was kinder to some, others dealt with the devastation of heart-breaking loss and ruin.

Our faith kept us going, helping us somehow to accept and make peace with the fact, that the universe had its reasons. Our resilience, as a race, held us in good stead, as we continued battling this god-awful global catastrophe-of-a-virus, which just wouldn’t (and still doesn’t) let up.

Just when we think we can start to bid it adieu, there’s a deadlier new mutation to deal with… starting from the Alpha to the Delta variant and now, the Omicron. And it’s beginning to sink in, this one won’t be the last, either. Experts will keep discovering new variants and it will be impossible to predict how those mutations will impact us in terms of symptoms or severity – but mutating is just what viruses do. We have learnt, for the most part, how to adapt to the new normal and the show goes on, albeit now it’s all masked up and marinated in sanitizer and subject to social distancing.

But on we trudge. And now we stand on the threshold of crossing over from 2021 to 2022. We are stronger, and hopefully smarter. The festive spirit has returned this festive season, subdued nevertheless, and we have realised the importance of time – especially of the here and now, and of making the most of it. As we plan our parties and get-togethers, and of course the main Christmas and New Year bashes, let us be cognizant of the clear and present danger that still looms over us. Let’s welcome the new year with our loved ones – there is no better way – but let’s do it smartly and not let our guards down. Keep those masks on, regularly spray your hands with sanitizer from the sanitizer bottles kept available at most venues for public use, wash your hands regularly at home and do not break the crucial social distancing norm, which has been most instrumental in keeping Covid at bay – don’t over congregate. Celebrate in small numbers.

Let us have fun but let’s not be reckless. Those of us cohabiting with the elderly need to be more cautious as they are more vulnerable and our negligence could cost them dearly. So, stay smart and plan smart – stay prepared, coz when you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Here’s wishing you lots of fun and happiness this festive season!

Have a lovely weekend!

Have a good weekend!

– Anahita

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