– ‘Building Trust, Rebuilding Credibility’ –
Team ‘Committed To Community’ comprises four community stalwarts – Kersi Randeria, Lion Daara Patel, Hoshang Jal and Dr. Adil Malia – who will contest the BPP Elections as one team of like-minded individuals, who ‘think independently but work unitedly’ towards ‘Building Trust’ within the community and ‘Rebuilding Credibility’ of the august BPP institution and all that it stands for and is meant to deliver unto the community.
Why Contest As A Team?
Given the experience that the community has shared alongside Trustees Noshir Darawala and Kersi Randeria over the last few years, it is no longer just about becoming a BPP Trustee, but it is imperative, nay critical, that a team of like-minded individuals be part of the BPP Board.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that all the individuals have to share a 100% common view on all community issues. However, the team will be committed and dedicated to the 2 major issues of the day:
- Building the ‘trust’ in our Trust; and
- Rebuilding the credibility of the BPP and its Trustees
The sad depths to which the credibility and image of the BPP has plunged to, thanks to various factors, has to be reversed. Sincere effort needs to be put in to pull out the BPP from the morass, which it currently finds itself in.
Team ‘Committed To Community’ has consciously decided to stay away from all kinds of negative propaganda and blame games. “We do not intend to indulge in that. We will not indulge in that. Not now, and not in the next five years. What we will do is focus on the positives and how we can channelise these and our energies, into achieving our goals for the welfare of the community and the BPP – identify and prioritize what our aims are and how we will deliver these,” says Team CTC.
The team has discussed at length the vision for the community and are committed to ‘work individually but deliver unitedly’. The essence being, that though each of them comes with a distinct set of thoughts and expertise, they will ensure that any differences in opinion are treated with dignity and an appreciation of each other’s point of view, but more so, the willingness to respect the stand of the majority.
“We will think independently but work unitedly, taking forward decisions of community welfare schemes, with a clean consensus – without any angst, without subjecting the community to public spats or unpleasant episodes,” they assure the community.
The main thrust will be towards rebuilding the image and restoring the credibility of the BPP to its erstwhile glory, alongside their dedicated efforts to regain the trust of the community by working selflessly towards its welfare.
Team CTC need not harp on about what they ‘intend to deliver’ as Trustees. Any and every election has witnessed the usual promises being made about Housing, Welfare of Senior Citizens, Mobeds, Youth, Entrepreneurship, et al… name it and it’s been spoken and written about!
Team ‘Committed To Community’ is devoted to doing what will be good for the Trust and the community over the next five years… to execute projects, to raise funds, to ensure complete transparency and to deliver results, rather than just speak of them, ad nauseum.
– Reinforcing The ‘TRUST’ In ‘Trustee’ –
There are those who need to loudly proclaim their lofty and lengthy manifestos… And then, there are those whose achievements and endeavours are resounding proclamations in themselves… as is exemplified by Kersi Randeria, who has dedicatedly served the community as a BPP Trustee for the last six and a half years. But for even longer than that (over two decades now), he is respected as a Community Activist who has stood up and fought for various issues, primarily Housing.
Kersi Randeria needs no introduction. His work speaks for itself – loud and clear! Over the last twenty years, Randeria’s continued focus has been Welfare and Housing of the community, with an emphasis towards serving the Middle-class and the poor.
His overriding sense of humility leaves his comprehensive achievements and efforts, understated. However, in the last few weeks, many community members, including many stalwarts and his own BPP co-workers, have insisted that he speak of his various achievements and initiatives undertaken for the community. Over the next eight weeks, some of his key achievements will be shared with you.
However, it is suffice to say that out of the many BPP Trustees who have graced the Board and spoken extensively about Housing and about looking after the Housing needs of the poor, if there is one Trustee who has stood fast to his passion and commitment, it is Kersi Randeria.
Despite all odds, through his six-and-a-half-years’ tenure as BPP Trustee, Randeria maintained that Trust-houses must not be sold as a means to raise finances for running the Trust, and that it is imperative that Trustees find ways of raising donations via other innovative schemes, as opposed to selling houses meant to house under-privileged community members. A case in point would be the ownership building project, in Godrej Baug, which Randeria pursued for some time, but which got stalled for various reasons, as the project neared completion.
He is known within the community as the ‘Peoples’ Trustee’ with good reason – there is no colony or baug that he hasn’t visited, there is no problem that he has not effectively addressed. A complete hands-on Trustee, Randeria dedicates the larger part of his time and efforts working at the grassroot levels with community members, for the betterment of the community and the Trust.
One of the most active, accomplished and respected Trustees, Kersi Randeria’s track record is all the promise and the proof needed to know that his continued presence on the Board is indispensable to its course-correction and credibility, as well as to the community’s welfare and progress.
A crucial pillar of the ‘Committed To Community’ Team, Kersi Randeria renews his pledge to continue serving the Trust and the Community with enhanced passion and dedication, in added allegiance to the Team Motto: ‘BUILDING TRUST AND REBUILDING CREDIBILITY.’
– Your Community-Welfare Centric BPP Candidate –
Having dedicated most of his entire adult life to social service and community causes, it has been Lion Daara Patel’s calling and passion to serve the less-privileged and take up community welfare initiatives. An instrumental member of the globally renowned Lion’s Club for over four decades, Lion Daara excels at ideating, formulating and executing various need-based projects including Medical Camps and Distribution of Free Medicines; Support for hospitalisation and medical care; Educational Aid and Fund Raising for various causes.
He has lent his professional expertise to various Multinational and large business house at senior levels, including Hindustan Ciba-Geigy Ltd.; Wockhardt Ltd.; J.L. Morison (India) Ltd.; Parke Davis (India) Ltd.; and Jet Airways (India) Limited, to name a few.
His vast experience adds to his proficiency in people-management, handling diverse groups and leading a team; and has been richly awarded for his various extraordinary endeavours and consistent efforts.
As a Corona Warrior, his initiatives have brought him innumerable recognitions including being honoured by Hon’ble Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Governor of Maharashtra, with the ‘Maharashtra State Champion Awards for Corona Warriors 2020-21’ at the Raj Bhavan, Mumbai in September 2021. He has also been conferred the ‘Pharma Ratna, Lifetime Award’, for invaluable contribution towards the Indian Pharma & Healthcare Industry, amongst others.
“I have imbibed the fine blend of Socio-Professional experience, and with nearly five decades worth of networking and resources, I am now keen and passionate about translating this experience and expertise into doing good for our community, especially the poor and the middle-class,” says Lion Daara.
Some of his top community-centric initiatives, as BPP Trustee will include:
1. Regular medical check-up camps in various baugs.
2. Distribution of free medicines and OTC/ generic medicines at low cost.
3. Setting up Jan Aushadhi medical pharmacies in colonies and baugs which have the facility and the required infrastructure.
4. Group Insurance for the deserving families.
5. Setting up Day Care Centres with Physiotherapy facilities for Senior Citizens.
As one of the pillars of the ‘Committed To Community’ Team, Daara Patel pledges his sterling competency, diligence and integrity in service of bettering the community’s welfare, especially related to health and overall wellbeing, in allegiance to the Team Motto: ‘BUILDING TRUST AND REBUILDING CREDIBILITY.’
– Your ‘Management & Governance Guru’ BPP Candidate –
Bringing in over 40 years of Top Management Corporate experience and ranked among the top 110 Influential Global Leaders, Dr. Adil Malia lives and breathes the Zoroastrian way of life. He brings to the BPP Board table his incomparable expertise in management and governance.
Currently, the CEO of a Business Management Consultancy called ‘The FiRM’, Adil’s narrative is a story of aspiration and endeavor – from very modest and humble beginnings (in Balaram Street) to achieving a highly respectful stature in the Corporate World.
A Commerce graduate with a degree in Law and a Master’s in Human Resources Management (TISS), Adil honed his management and governance acumen at the Coca-Cola Wharton School ‘Advance Management Program’ and was bestowed the ‘Causa Honoris’ Doctorate in Philosophy.
A reputed Key-Note speaker at professional conventions and TedX speaker, Adil is a staunch believer in the tenets of our Zoroastrian religion.
“It is now the right time to contribute my time and meaningfully channelize my energy for the benefit of our dear Zoroastrian Community, with my knowledge, experience and expertise,” says Dr. Adil Malia.
Adil will focus on building a ‘Future Positive People Edge’ for Zoroastrians through a ‘5 Point Developmental Agenda’:
1. Building future capabilities in our youth and nurturing ambition to succeed. Plant your people with ‘talent’ to secure the future of our community.
2. Fostering professionalism, Service Orientation in Management and Clean Governance at BPP
3. Providing Insurance and Elder Care Services for Zoroastrians
4. Protecting and Securing our cherished Institutions & Assets for our future generations
5. Building a strong faith, bond and fervour for our religion and Zoroastrian Values in our youth
As one of the pillars of the ‘Committed To Community’ Team, Dr. Adil Malia pledges his expertise, energy and integrity in service of the community, in allegiance to the Team Motto: ‘BUILDING TRUST AND REBUILDING CREDIBILITY.’
– Your FULL-TIME TRUSTEE Candidate –
Hoshang Jal brings to the table the perfect temperament, intellect and experience to resolve the community’s challenges and grievances. But more than all that, he brings you his unconditional availability – and will be there for you beyond those once-a-week, Tuesday meetings at the BPP office – he will be available all through the week to listen to you and help resolve your issues.
With his initial and illustrious career innings spanning 35 years in the Department of Revenue, Hoshang Jal retired as Asst. Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai. He was felicitated with the prestigious Presidential Award for ‘Specially Distinguished Record of Service’ – the highest award to be conferred upon a Civil Services Officer.
Hoshang’s popularity within the community can be attributed to two main qualities – his innate instinct to reach out and help those in need; and his effective leadership. Living out his motto – Service-Before-Self – Hoshang’s grit and character shone all through the difficult pandemic, when he personally reached out to hundreds (yes, you read that right!) of Parsi / Irani Zarthosti, and came through for them, irrespective of the time of day or night.
Hoshang strongly believes in NOT giving false promises and fabricating fairy-tale manifestos. As a BPP Trustee, the following are some of the causes close to his heart:
- Creating a performance-oriented and cohesive work environment at the BPP;
- Strengthen the Role & Responsibility of Baug Committees;
- Betterment and Protection of our sacred Doongerwadi;
- Forming a Senior Citizen’s support structure;
- Formulating community programs for our Youth;
Over and above everything else, he will ensure that no one who approaches the BPP for genuine help, will return without being given a patient hearing with dignity and a resolution for their issues.
As one of the pillars of the ‘Committed To Community’ Team, Hoshang Jal pledges his time, efforts, honesty and integrity in service of the community, in allegiance to the Team Motto: ‘BUILDING TRUST AND REBUILDING CREDIBILITY.’
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