Once upon a time, not very long ago, lived three very eligible bachelor ‘boys’ (all over 60), who were trying in vain for many years to marry a nice, 100% pure-Parsi girl, i.e. both the parents of the girl should be Parsis. But alas! Something or the other always went wrong and either the girls […]
Author: Ruby Lilaowala
Nurture Environment. Don’t Kill It!
All universal matter is made of the five basic primal substances called ‘Panch Mahabhuta’ in the Vedas – these are Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Of these, water has enjoyed the highest religious and social status in all ancient civilizations. Prayers in all four main Vedas refer to water as nectar, honey, source of […]
The Balancing Act
When people ask where I get my enthusiasm, I share my secret – ‘Plan your work and life, as you plan your vacation!’ I think this is a great advice for people who are overwhelmed by all the different roles they must play! We all want harmony in our lives and we long for just […]
A Zoroastrian Settled In Mongolia
It is a well- known fact and recorded history that several centuries ago, Zorastrians left Iran in an exodus to escape persecution by Arabs. Many came to India; others left for countries like Azerbaijan, Tajikstan, Germany, Russia and China. There is not much trace of Zoroastrians who settled in places other than India but here’s […]
We’re Here To Live – Not Run Away!
In Hinduism, there’s a concept of renouncing the world and taking ‘sanyas’ or refuge in a forest or an ashram and living an ascetic life. This practice started with Buddha’s abdication of his ‘Raj-Dharma’ (Royal duties) and ‘Grihasthi-Dharma (Householder’s duties). This concept of ‘sanyas’ causes an unnatural divide between those seeking spiritual evolution and others […]
Healing With Heliotherapy
Heliotherapy means healing through the sun’s rays. Today, some people avoid the sun, use sun-block, shades and umbrellas to actually block out this most beneficial therapy which was known to ancient civilizations. Getting direct sunlight on your body during the right time of day benefits all your joints. It’s free vitamin D given by Mother […]
Meherbai’s Mandli Holds A Musical Evening
Once in a while, Meherbai’s Mandli held a musical evening. Every Mandli member contributed to it. Sometimes, it was an instrumental evening which was always dominated by Hormasji-harmonium and his brother Zubin-Xylophone. They were the male stars always accompanied by their respective wives, Temina-Tabla and Mani-Mandoline! These four rock-stars were away on a tour of […]
The Prophet Of Ashoi
When one thinks of a religion, any religion, the uppermost question in one’s mind is, “Who was its founder and from where did it come? What was His message?” If you gaze up into the sky at night, you’ll see that there are other planets besides ours and since ours is inhabited, there’s no reason […]
Inner Peace Through Meditation
Everyone can achieve peace of mind through meditation. There is an occult law which states, ‘When the seeker is ready, the master appears’. If a person wants to learn meditation, he must first make himself ready, and then, no matter who that person is or what he does, he will eventually find a teacher. This […]
Meherbai’s Mandli Meets On Father’s Day!
Meherbai’s Mandli met on Father’s Day at her spacious house. Meherbai had ordered Whiskey Burgers, Fish Tikkas and Honey Chicken from her club; beer was kept chilled and for deserts, she had slabs of Jack Daniel liquor chocolates which she had broken into pieces and arranged artistically on a huge Bakarat -crystal dish. Banoo Batak: What […]
Forever Young In Mind And Spirit
I’ll start with the good news – our minds and spirits never ever grow old; they are ageless, timeless and endless. Our spiritual qualities include kindness, friendliness, humility, gratitude, goodwill, peace, harmony and love. If you generate these qualities in daily life, you’ll always remain young. Those who believe that life is a mere cycle […]