We’re Here To Live – Not Run Away!

In Hinduism, there’s a concept of renouncing the world and taking ‘sanyas’ or refuge in a forest or an ashram and living an ascetic life. This practice started with Buddha’s abdication of his ‘Raj-Dharma’ (Royal duties) and ‘Grihasthi-Dharma (Householder’s duties). This concept of ‘sanyas’ causes an unnatural divide between those seeking spiritual evolution and others […]

Healing With Heliotherapy

Heliotherapy means healing through the sun’s rays. Today, some people avoid the sun, use sun-block, shades and umbrellas to actually block out this most beneficial therapy which was known to ancient civilizations. Getting direct sunlight on your body during the right time of day benefits all your joints. It’s free vitamin D given by Mother […]

The Prophet Of Ashoi

When one thinks of a religion, any religion, the uppermost question in one’s mind is, “Who was its founder and from where did it come? What was His message?” If you gaze up into the sky at night, you’ll see that there are other planets besides ours and since ours is inhabited, there’s no reason […]