Meherbai’s Mandli Discusses Marriage!!

Meherbai’s Mandli recently had a ‘Marriage pe charcha’ on the controversial subject – marriage! Henpecked Hormusji: If I had murdered my wife, Faridafui, 14 years ago, I would have been out of jail today after serving my full term of imprisonment! Now its life-imprisonment! Mahri tabyet lathri gaij because of my unhappy marriage! Firdos Fituri: Go to your family doctor […]

Meherbai’s Mandli Meets Over Lunch!

The khanar-pinar, farnaar-harnaar, masti-majha-karnaar Mandli met for lunch at their usual South Mumbai club for lunch. Firdos-Fituri was absent since he had gone to Delhi to open a State Bank of India account after reading the account-opening form. Nergis the nosey-parker: Why Delhi? Mrs. Firdos Fituri: Obviously!! Because the form said. ‘Fill up in capital’. So, he went to Delhi! […]

Journey Of The Soul

We are all bodies of pure energy that use the garment of a physical body to learn and grow. When we are born, our true essence works with three predominant principles that aid our spiritual growth. The first is the Principle of Evolution. Your energy essence is born to certain parents, in a certain country […]