A Tribute To The Grand Old Man of India – Dadabhai Naoroji

Known as the ‘Grand Old Man of India’ and the ‘Unofficial Ambassador of India’, Dadabhai Naoroji (4 September 1825 – 30 June 1917) was one of our community’s greatest legends and one of the nation’s greatest leaders, having known to have influenced among many others, including Mahatma Gandhi, Mohamed Ali Jinnah and Sir Pherozeshah Mehta. The 4th of September marks […]

Natural Intelligence In The World Of AI: A Yin Yang Balance

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the subject of polarised debates these days. Most can’t understand how man-made code can become faster and better than humans and evolve using their own intelligence. Suddenly, ‘The Terminator’ and ‘The Matrix’ seem plausible storylines! Let’s pause here for a moment. What about the amazing circuitry within us? Our human body […]

Zerbanoo Gifford Honours Timeless Legacies Of Extraordinary Zoroastrians With ‘Influential Zoroastrians’ Exhibition In London

One of the leading global personalities of our worldwide Parsi/Irani Zoroastrian community, the much- accomplished President of the ‘World Zoroastrian Organisation’ (WZO) – Zerbanoo Gifford, has always endeavoured and succeeded in furthering the legacy and glory of our blessed community. Her most recent initiative includes hosting an extraordinary exhibition with illustrated panels, titled, ‘Influential Zoroastrians’, […]

Daman’s Newly Renovated Merwanji Navroji Manekji Dar-e-Meher Holds Khushali-nu-Jashan

The Shree Daman Vapi Parsi Jarthosty Anjuman organised a ‘Khushali nu Jashan’, at the recently refurbished Merwanji Navroji Manekji Dar-e-Meher, in Daman, on 15th July, 2023 (Roj Shehrevar, Mah Asfandarmad; 1392 YD). The extensive restoration of the Dar-e-Meher was facilitated by the munificence and generosity of donors – Dadachanji Group of Companies, represented by Kairus […]

Who Is A Parsi?

One is often confronted with the question – Who is a Parsi, and how and where was this term coined? What is one of the oldest references to this term? What is the legal definition of Parsi in India? Does Parsi include an Irani Zoroastrian? In this article, we answer some of these questions, mainly […]