BPP Connect

Countering ‘Parsi Darshan’ in Mumbai Samachar: Our small and erudite community has seen many communiqués projecting specific viewpoints, which have, over the years, been institutionalized. For eg., The WAPIZ Page espouses the traditional viewpoint; The Parsee Voice promotes the Kshnoomist viewpoint; ‘BPP Connect’ in Parsi Times, which projects the BPP viewpoint in keeping with its […]

BPP Connect

BPP’s Stand On ‘The Heritage Walk’ At Doongerwadi Since 2007, every year, an educational heritage walk is organized at Doongerwadi for students of Wilson College who study Comparative Religions. This walk is organized  by their Parsi college professor and is conducted by Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia, Principal of the Dadar Athornan Madressa. Since last year, […]

New BPP Board Turns One!

BPP Chairman, Yazdi Desai: “On 23rd October 2016, I completed one year as Chairman of the BPP and I can look back on the last one year as quite fulfilling. The new Board has covered extensive ground on all fronts including housing, kick-starting long term housing projects, strengthening the administration, settling legal cases, plugging financial […]

Himalayan Calling

Visually, the launched-this-year Royal Enfield (RE) Himalayan with a 220mm ground clearance comes across as a relatively tall adventure motorcycle, which can be rather intimidating to individuals who are challenged in the in-seam. Pleasantly, once astride, you figure the seat height at 800mm is pretty acceptable. One then settles in the comfortable seat gripping the […]