Tech Know With Tantra- Pomodoro Timer

The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time management method developed in the late 80’s, that helps break down your work into 25 minute intervals, separated by short breaks. These intervals are named ‘pomodoros’, the plural in English of the Italian word for tomato. The technique has been scientifically proven to improve productivity and aid assimilation. Just pick a task […]

Techknow With Tantra

SKEDit – Scheduling App SKEDit is a free and easy-to-use scheduling app that lets you schedule WhatsApp messages, SMS, emails, posts, and even call reminders. This top-rated Android scheduling app acts like your virtual personal assistant. You can put your communications on autopilot with this free 5-in-1 Scheduler by downloading it and registering yourself onto it […]

Techknow With Tantra

Google Arts And Culture The ‘Google Arts and Culture’ app has collaborated with over 1,200 international museums, galleries and institutions from 70 countries to make their exhibits available for everyone online. The app provides opportunities to meet people, visit places and learn about the events that shaped our world. Discover collections curated by experts from the […]

Techknow With Tantra

Stocard – Loyalty Card Manager Loyalty cards are now the order of the day – whether you are shopping in a Mall or in a branded outlet. If your loyalty cards are bulking up your wallet, download ‘Stocard’ – it helps digitize your rewards cards. Unclutter your wallet by scanning the code on your plastic cards within […]