Jasan – A Ritual Act of Worship

During the month of Dae, Parsis perform Jasan ceremonies by way of thanks-giving at home, at their workplace as also at various community centers and places of worship. Colloquially or in ordinary conversation, Jasan means ‘rejoicing’ or an ‘assembly of rejoicing’. This is because the religious ceremony is usually followed by feasting and merriment among […]

Tribute: Dasturji Kukadaru Saheb’s 186th Birth Anniversary

26th May, 2017 marks the 186th Birth Anniversary of one of our most revered, prayed-to and loved saints, Jamshedji Sohrabji Kukadaru Saheb. Known as the Zarthosti Saint of the 19th Century, Dasturji Kukadaru’s life is exemplary about unparalleled devotion to Ahura Mazda, Zarathustra and their beautiful creation – the Mazdayasni-Zarthosti Religion. Born on 26th May, […]

The 101 Names Of Ahura Mazda And Their Meanings

Yazad: Worthy of worship Harvesp-tavan: Omnipotent Harvesp-agah: Omniscient Harvesp-khuda: The Lord of the universe Abadah: Having no beginning Abi-anjam: Having no end Buneshteh: The source of all creation Frakhtan-teh: The noble End of everything Chamag: The Lord of reasoning Parjatarah: The Exalted Tum-afik: The most innocent Abarvand: The Unique Parvanda: Within everybody An-aiyafah: Perfection itself […]