From The Editor's Desk

From The Editor’s Desk: Let’s Go Traditional This Festive Season!  

Dear Readers, We will soon head into our favourite time of the year – the exciting and fun, ‘lagan-and-navjote’ season. Undoubtedly, the most exciting part of these much awaited festivities, (apart from the food, of course!) is that we end up meeting virtually every other community member through these auspicious occasions, renewing and re-strengthening our […]

PPCWA Organises Volleyball Tourney

The Parsi Punchayet Complex Welfare Association (PPCWA) organised a Volleyball tournament on 16th September, 2018, with sixteen colony members participating in teams. The event was ably organised by PPCWA representatives including Nilofer Waghchhipawala, Penaaz Bhathena, Arnaz Goimewala, Neville Anklesaria and Zubin Bacha. The event concluded with a vote of thanks to all the participants, winners […]