Aava Awarded 2 Gold Stars By ITQI

On 14th June, 2017, ‘Aava Natural Mineral Water’ – India’s top selling drinking-water brand, owned by our community’s leading entrepreneur, Behram Mehta – was awarded the ‘Superior Taste Award’ with two Gold Stars by the International Taste and Quality Institute (ITQI) – a leading European organization dedicated to testing and promoting superior food and beverages from […]

Parsi Pride

Noteworthy Nasha! Nasha Pooniwala from Udayachal High School achieved a striking 94.4% in her SSC board exams. She would like a career as a Chartered Accountant and will commence that journey via the Commerce stream in college. . Zealous Zara! 16-year-old Zara Dhanbhoora from The Cathedral and John Cannon School secured 94.3% in her ICSE […]

Dr. Rumi Beramji Awarded ‘Doctor Of Literature Honoris Causa’

On 3rd June, 2017, eminent Parsi Acupuncturist, Dr. Rumi F. Beramji was conferred the highest honour of degree – the ‘Doctor Of Literature Honoris Causa’ through the Zoroastrian College under the OIUCM, at an international conference organized by All India Shah Behram Baug Society (for Scientific and Educational Research), an NGO in Special Consultative Status with […]

Know Your Bombay

Sewri Mangrove Park: Located along the eastern edge of South Mumbai, the Sewri Mangrove Park comprises 15 acres of mangroves in the mudflats between Sewri and Trombay and was declared a protected area by the Bombay Port Trust on 15th January, 1996. Over seven species of mangroves and twenty species of birds including the Flamingo, […]