Last week, the Gujarat High Court last week granted Anticipatory Bail to Feroze Fali Contractor, against whom an FIR had been lodged under the Disturbed Areas Act, by a Hindu man as he allegedly hid his religion while selling his property. While granting him the bail, the Bench of Justice Umesh A. Trivedi specifically observed, […]
Tag: Saturday
Beating The Pandemic Blues
Already experiencing pandemic fatigue, many of us feel ill-prepared to endure another lockdown. With no clear end in sight, coronavirus is having a massive negative effect on mental health, with many experiencing stress, anxiety and insomnia. With the new variants spreading even faster, people’s emotional health is likely to give way under the strain of […]
To Forgive Is Divine
Forgive and Forget! Easier said than done. But come to think of it, unless you forgive and forget and move on with your life, you’ll be emotionally handcuffed to that person. The choice is entirely YOURS. Do you want to remain emotionally handcuffed to the past or move on with your life to seek more […]
Help Me To Conquer Sin, Ahura Mazda!
I have sinned unwillingly. I have not sinned on purpose, O Thou great Forgiver. I have sinned through human frailty. Through want of firmness, I faltered and fell. Look, my Lord, with pity and forgiveness on my soul. Angra Mainyu, the Evil Spirit, cast deafness upon my mind and blindness upon my heart and I […]
TechKnow With Tantra: Confidential E-mails in G-Mail
Did you know that you can send confidential, self-destructive mails with Gmail? In the last line of your Compose window, you will find the icon to Turn Confidential Mode On / Off. Once you switch on the Confidential Mode, the recipients won’t have the option to forward, copy, print or download the sent email. You […]
Traversing The Dark Web
The WZCC, Pune organized a very interesting and insightful webinar on Saturday, 10th April 2021, on the relevant, yet rather mysterious topic of the Dark Web. Titled, ‘A Journey Through The Dark Web’, our guide through this formidable terrain was the young and dynamic Meherzad Motafaram, Partner, PROTEQme Cyber Solutions. He shared some rather startling […]
Protect Yourself From Fungal Infection This Summer
Summer brings along with it soaring temperature and humidity – and hence, more sweating. Unfortunately, summer also makes people more vulnerable to nasty fungal infections – which cause rashes, itchiness, discoloration of skin and other uncomfortable symptoms. This unsightly condition can survive in any environment and can re-infect a person. Body parts most commonly affected include […]
SII And COVID19 Vaccinations Update
With never-before surges in Covid-19 infection every day, a vaccine shortage in India couldn’t have come at a worse time, as India breaks daily records of spikes in COVID positive cases. Mumbai is experiencing its worst-ever wave of Covid-19 yet, and the most acute vaccine shortage in the country. The State has sent repeated requests […]
A Prince Among Men
Prince Phillip: A Tribute “It is with deep sorrow hat Her Majesty, The Queen, has announced the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness – The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle,” was the announcement posted outside the Buckingham Palace on 9th April, 2021. HRH Prince […]
Kota’s Only Parsi Family Holds Navjote
The Anklesaria family is the only Parsi family residing along with their siblings in Kota, Rajasthan. Cavas and Pervin Anklesaria planned and held the Navjote of their grand-children – Yazad and Sidasp Anklesaria on 2nd April, 2021 (Roj Behram Mah Ava) in Kota. As they are the only Parsi family and no Parsi priest was available, […]
NCPA Presents ‘Jim Porto: My Brazilian Suingue’
Having enthralled audiences in the International Jazz Festival’18, NCPA brings back virtuoso of Jazz Samba, Jim Porto, considered one of the greatest exponents of Brazilian and Bossa Jazz music. The Brazilian pianist, vocalist and composer will be accompanied by his quintet to celebrate Brazil’s exotic melodies and rhythms. Jim has shared the stage with world-renowned Latin Jazz […]