Zarathustra Is Thy Mirror, In Whom We See Thee, Ahura Mazda – Excerpts From ‘Homage Unto Ahura Mazda’

Zarathushtra alone of all mortals, sayest Thou Ahura Mazda, first knew Thee as Thou art and heard Thy words and brought the glad tidings of hope to the troubled world. He came with Asha’s Righteousness writ upon his banner and sounded the trumpet and with the clarion call commanded all to don their armour to […]

Neomi Rao Becomes First Parsi Judge To Be Nominated To USA’s DC Circuit Court

Neomi Rao, who has led the Trump administration’s push to curtail agency regulations as its Deregulatory Leader, will succeed Brett Kavanaugh on the Washington DC Circuit, whose docket is teeming with administrative disputes. Neomi will be nominated to fill the vacancy left by Justice Brett Kavanaugh on the US Court of Appeals for the DC […]

Potential Loss Of US $ 22.5 Million By The Parsee Community
–The B. D. Petit Parsee General Hospital Clarifies The Situation–

The B. D. Petit Parsee General Hospital (PGH) has been providing yeoman service to the community for the past 105 Years in the area of charity healthcare.  For the past few years, PGH has been facing many challenges largely due to the following reasons:- Steady decline of the Parsi population. Many young and middle aged […]