If ever there’s a rerun of Amitabh Bachchan’s ‘102 Not Out’ playing on television, Homi Rustomji Mehta would surely be smiling wistfully from up above. Born on 23rd June 1917, the popular Grand Old Man of Cama Park passed away in the early hours of 15th October, 2018, of old age. A keen sportsperson, his hundredth birthday was celebrated with great fanfare, with an audio-visual encapsulating his illustrious life lovingly put together by his family.
Homi Uncle was unique – he defied age and set a benchmark for what constitutes ‘youth’. Not many know that he was honoured by the Bombay Presidency Olympic Association – and till the end was inspiringly active for his age. Mentally agile, he always had a ready repartee. I still remember the evenings when we shared a joke or two sitting outside our J building.
His grandchildren, Khushnum and Rushad, aver, “An affectionate husband, a doting father and a wonderful grandfather, he was both a friend and a mentor.” We all have a lot to imbibe from him. We’ll all miss you – RIP Homi Uncle!
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