From the Editors Desk

From The Editor's Desk

Keep The Faith!

Dear Readers,

Jamshedi Navroz graces us this year amidst some gloom, some cheer, some gratitude, some fear. As the dreaded Coronavirus sets its foot more definitively in India, the next two weeks will prove crucial in knowing the real extent of its deadly spread. Which is why, more than ever, we need to uncompromisingly heed to the mandated guidelines of Social Distancing (maintaining an inter-personal, minimum distance of three feet around us); Restraint (staying at home unless absolutely necessary – work from home, avoid public transport/social venues, restrict visitors, etc); and Self-quarantine (isolating yourself from all people – if you show symptoms of the Coronavirus, or have been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with it – for a period of at least 7 days).

Even as scientists the world over work round-the-clock to develop a vaccine against this global pandemic, for now, these measures are our most powerful tools in dealing with it. A good idea is to boost your immune system to equip you in warding this contagion. What helps greatly but is lesser known, in addition to an intelligently chosen diet to pump up your physical immunity, is the power of positive energy, which has proven itself over and over again.

As Zoroastrians, we are blessed with the ultimate energy-powerhouse – our powerful prayers. Where doctors and medicines have given up, our manthras, when recited with unflinching faith and pure intentions, have blessed us with miraculous cures and recoveries. Those seeking alternatives will find their magic by consciously creating positivity – it starts with a simple, genuine giving of thanks and gratitude to God, to mother nature and to the people you are blessed with in your life. Let this start you on your journey to explore and feel other positive emotions, which will further reinforce your positive energies, making you stronger – mentally and physically. Nurturing this conscious, purposive positivity is known to have healed terminal diseases; there is no doubt it will vanquish the vile Corona contagion too.

The true test of faith is when the going gets tough. When the going gets tough, our faith will keep us going, empowered by our commitment to following the mandated guidelines, an intelligent diet, our all-powerful prayers and our willful positivity!

Keep the faith! Jamshedi Navroz Mubarak!

– Anahita

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