The Creed Of Ahura Mazda

Daisy P. Navdar is a teacher by profession and a firm believer in the efficacy of our Manthravani. She is focused on ensuring that the deep significance of our prayers is realized by our youth. She credits her learnings and insights, shared in her articles, to all Zoroastrian priests and scholars whose efforts have contributed towards providing light and wisdom for all Zarthostis.

Since the beginning of time, humans have followed some form of organized worship. This is well illustrated by the fact that some believed in the souls of their ancestors, some worshipped the earth and its munificence, some followed some pagan gods but what is universal in all these is that they all shaped their lives as per the belief system that they followed. It was their creed, the guideline to their lives. I am grateful to my friend from across the seas who sent me this beautiful ‘Creed of Ahura Mazda’.

This creed is not only a guideline for your life but also a daily reminder to choose right from wrong. Surprisingly, it is a reiteration of choice, a code to allow your free will to work against the forces of darkness. The hardest part about following this creed is that the choice is entirely yours. Every moment of every hour of every day for as long as you live, you have to choose the light of Ahura Mazda, else you will remain in darkness. When you wake up from your bed and put your feet on the floor and before you lift your feet off the ground and go to bed, it is vital that you recite this creed. It is not only a reminder to choose the path of Asha, but also an extremely powerful manthra that will help you to make the choices that you have to, everyday! I share with you below, a brief translation (by Joseph H Peterson) of the meaning of this Creed, which appears in Yasna 12.1:

  1. I Curse The Daevas… I declare myself a Mazda-worshipper, a supporter of Zarathushtra, hostile to the Daevas, fond of Ahura’s teaching, a praiser of the Amesha Spentas, a worshipper of the Amesha Spentas. I ascribe all good to Ahura Mazda, ‘and all the best,’ Asha-endowed, splendid, xwarena-endowed, whose is the cow, whose is Asha, whose is the light, ‘may whose blissful areas be filled with light’.
  2. I Choose The Good Spenta Armaiti For Myself… let her be mine. I renounce the theft and robbery of the cow, and the damaging and plundering of the Mazdayasnian settlements.
  3. I Want Freedom Of Movement… and freedom of dwelling for those with homesteads, to those who dwell upon this earth with their cattle. With reverence for Asha, and (offerings) offered up, I vow this: I shall nevermore damage or plunder the Mazdayasnian settlements, even if I have to risk life and limb.
  4. I Reject The Authority Of The Daevas… the wicked, no-good, lawless, evil-knowing, the most druj-like of beings, the foulest of beings, the most damaging of beings. I reject the Daevas and their comrades, I reject the demons (yatu) and their comrades; I reject any who harm beings. I reject them with my thoughts, words, and deeds. I reject them publicly. Even as I reject the head (authorities), so too do I reject the hostile followers of the druj.
  5. As Ahura Mazda Taught Zarathushtra… at all discussions, at all meetings, at which Mazda and Zarathushtra conversed; even as Zarathushtra rejected the authority of the Daevas, so I also reject, as Mazda-worshipper and supporter of Zarathushtra, the authority of the Daevas, even as he, the Asha-endowed Zarathushtra, has rejected them.
  6. As The Belief Of The Waters… the belief of the plants, the belief of the well-made (Original) Cow; as the belief of Ahura Mazda who created the cow and the Asha-endowed Man; as the belief of Zarathushtra, the belief of Kavi Vishtaspa, the belief of both Frashaostra and Jamaspa; as the belief of each of the Saoshyants (saviors) – fulfilling destiny and Asha-endowed – so I am a Mazda-worshipper of this belief and teaching.
  7. 8. I Profess Myself A Mazda-Worshipper… a Zoroastrian, having vowed it and professed it. I pledge myself to the well-thought thought, I pledge myself to the well-spoken word, I pledge myself to the well-done action.
  8. I Pledge Myself To The Mazdayasnian Religion…, which causes the attack to be put off and weapons put down; [which upholds khvaetvadatha], Asha-endowed; which of all religions that exist or shall be, is the greatest, the best, and the most beautiful: Ahuric, Zoroastrian. I ascribe all good to Ahura Mazda. This is the creed of the Mazdayasnian religion.

The following is the actual prayer:


nâismî daêvô, fravarânê mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô staotâ ameshanãm speñtanãm ýashtâ ameshanãm speñtanãm, ahurâi mazdâi vanghavê vohumaitê vîspâ vohû cinahmî ashâunê raêvaitê hvarenanguhaitê ýâ-zî cîcâ vahishtâ ýenghê gâush ýenghê ashem ýenghê raocå ýenghê raocêbîsh rôithwen hvâthrâ.

speñtãm ârmaitîm vanguhîm verenê, hâ-môi astû, us gêush stuyê tâyâatcâ hazanghatcâ, us mazdayasnanãm vîsãm zyânayaêcâ vîvâpatcâ.

ferâ manyaêibyô rånghê vasê- ýâitîm vasê-sheitîm ýâish upairî âya-zemâ gaobîsh shyeñtî, nemanghâ ashâi uzdâtå paitî avat stuyê, nôit ahmât âzyånîm nôit vîvâpem xshtâ mâzdayasnîsh aoi vîsô nôit astô nôit ushtânahê cinmânî.

vî daêvâish akhâish avanghûsh anaretâish akô-dâbîsh sarem mruyê hâtãm draojishtâish hâtãm paoshishtâish hâtãm avanghutemâish vî daêvâish vî daêvavatbîsh vî ýâtush vî ýâtumatbîsh vî kahyâcît hâtãm âtarâish vî manêbîsh vî vacêbîsh vî shyaothanâish vî cithrâish, vî zî anâ sarem mruyê ýathanâ dregvâtâ rãxshayañtâ.

athâ athâ côit ahurô mazdå zarathushtrem adhaxshayaêtâ vîspaêshû ferashnaêshû vîspaêshû hañjamanaêshû ýâish aperesaêtem mazdåscâ zarathushtrascâ,

athâ athâ côit zarathushtrô daêvâish sarem vyâmrvîtâ vîspaêshû ferashnaêshû vîspaêshû hañjamanaêshû ýâish aperesaêtem mazdåscâ zarathushtrascâ, athâ azêmcît ýô mazdayasnô zarathushtrish daêvâish sarem vîmruyê ýathâ anâish vyâmrvîtâ ýê ashavâ zarathushtrô.

ýâ-varanâ âpô ýâ- varanâ urvarå ýâ-varanâ gâush hudå ýâvaranô ahurô mazdå ýê gãm dadâ ýê narem ashavanem ýâvaranô as zarathushtrô ýâvaranô kavâ vîshtâspô ýâvaranâ ferashaoshtrâ jâmâspâ ýâvaranô kascît saoshyañtãm haithyâvarezãm ashâunãm tâ varenâcâ tkaêshâcâ (râspî,) mazdayasnô ahmî!

mazdayasnô zarathushtrish fravarânê âstûtascâ fravaretascâ, âstuyê humatem manô âstuyê hûxtem vacô âstuyê hvarshtem shyaothanem.

âstuyê daênãm mâzdayasnîm fraspâyaoxedhrãm nidhâsnaithishem hvaêtvadathãm ashaonîm ýâ hâitinãmcâ bûshyeiñtinãmcâ mazishtâcâ vahishtâcâ sraêshtâcâ ýâ âhûirish zarathushtrish, ahurâi mazdâi vîspâ vohû cinahmî. aêshâ astî daênayå mâzdayasnôish âstûitish!!

So today, as the New Year has just dawned, let us pledge to follow the path of Asha, let us not forget that we are all Mazdayasnis, born of the light of Ahura Mazda. Let us take up His creed and shape our lives around His brilliance. May your faith be renewed and your life be aglow with the magnificence of Ahura Mazda!

Daisy P. Navdar
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