Happy Republic Day 2022!
Dear Readers,
If there was one line which could effectively sum up the story of humanity, ever since it was ambushed by the pandemic, it would be, ‘And life would never be the same again’. We’ve had to reset everything, renew our perceptions, and redefine our priorities.
Even as we move from grappling with this enforced change to coming to terms with the new normal, we’ve come to appreciate, more than all else, the concept of freedom – a constitutional keystone we took for granted… up until we became prisoners in our own homes, not allowed to move without masks, having to adhere to social distancing, et al.
Hopefully this has engendered a renewed sense of respect and admiration for our national heroes who fought with their lives for our freedom, and our visionaries who laid the constitutional groundwork of an autonomous India, so we could function as an effective democracy. ‘Republic Day’ and ‘Independence Day’, post 2019, have assumed an amplified significance and a more profound sense of reverence, beyond the usual ‘national holiday’ pertinence, that they were earlier relegated to, by most.
Republic Day celebrates the coming into force of the Indian Constitution, which sets the framework for our Fundamental Rights. While we scream blue murder if our Fundamental Rights get undermined/abused, that fervour gets considerably compromised when it comes to delivering our Fundamental Duties.
As a community, many of us have reduced the privilege of freedom into the mediocrity of entitlement. Our valiant ancestors fought repeatedly for freedom – first, as Persians who had to escape religious persecution to retain the basic freedom to live and practice our glorious Zoroastrian religion; and then, as Indians who warded off the British to live with freedom and dignity, as citizens of an independent, democratic nation.
After all that – is this what it all boils down to? A community indifferent to the demise of its rights, led by a fractured, heavily partial Board of elected leaders, with the so-called ‘majority’ holding to ransom, the very cornerstone of democracy itself – the Board Elections! What’s equally and ethically unconstitutional, is how it’s a free-for-all, where hostilities are paraded alongside twisted facts and fabrications, across social media platforms and on occasion, even national media. This cacophony furthers the indifference of community members, even as it strips away from their sense of respect and faith in the apex institution of the community and its leaders. Surely, we can do better than that, with our newly renewed respect for freedom.
Have a good weekend and wish you a Happy Republic Day 2022, in this, India’s 75th year of Independence. Jai Hind!
– Anahita
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