Parsi Times brings you Dr. Jasvi’s column on her unique Numero-Tarot monthly readings, based on your month of birth:
January (Lucky No. 17; Lucky Card: Star): A great sense of balance will preside over all areas of your life – including your health, wealth, mental peace and emotional satisfaction. You need to try and declutter your mind to clear out confusions. This will help you move ahead with confidence.
February (Lucky No. 4; Lucky Card: Emperor): You know where your destiny lies, but are in search of the path. Divine healing related to your health issues has commenced. The Universe will smile upon those who wish to pursue higher studies. Chase your dream and make it a reality!
March (Lucky No. 19; Lucky Card: Sun): This will prove to be an excellent month for you, blessed with the best of health and wealth. Stop complaining about things you do not have and learn to enjoy to the fullest all the things that you are blessed with!
April (Lucky No. 6; Lucky Card: Lovers): Your health will be in good shape, this month. You are advised to be more focused and move on. This will prove to be a good month for you financially, presenting ample opportunities on a platter. Pick wisely.
May (Lucky No. 21; Lucky Card: World): This is the time for you to clear out all your mental webs and get rid of the confusions. You could be looking at renovating your house or buying new property. Travel abroad is on the cards.
June (Lucky No. 3; Lucky Card: Empress): Remember – as you sow, so shall you reap. Learn to shoulder your responsibilities. You need to resurface from your emotional stress. Embrace and enjoy the rainbow of happiness with your family.
July (Lucky No. 8; Lucky Card: Strength): You need to put in some effort to fight the conflicting mental situation you are living with. You are blessed with great capabilities – you could tame a lion with your confidence! Justice is on the cards for you.
August (Lucky No. 1; Lucky Card: Magician): Keep in mind that It is always the darkest before dawn. Don’t worry. Bright and sunny days await you! This is a very good time to start new partnerships. You are advised to bathe with rock salt.
September (Lucky No. 5; Lucky Card: Hierophant): This month ahead will be filled with anticipation and planning. Do not hesitate to take expert advice or a professional opinion. Take care of your health – remember that prevention is better than cure.
October (Lucky No. 10; Lucky Card: Justice): This is one of your best months this year – blessing you with lots of power and success. This is the right time to start a family for people born in October. Give up the thoughts that torture you emotionally and move on.
November (Lucky No. 11; Lucky Card: Wheel of Fortune): You are advised to be cautious with your investments. Your money could get stuck – you could face a temporary problem of liquidity. Compromising is the way out.
December (Lucky No. 2; Lucky Card: High Priestess): This is that time when you should work hard and party harder! It’s time to celebrate your success. Understand that you need to make some life decisions practically and not with your heart. You need to fight for your rights.
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