Happy In Or Happy Out?

The feel of rain drops on little palms and the toothless smile thereafter… the vigorous wagging of your pet’s tail after a long tiring day, or that tight hug from a friend you haven’t met in ages… All these give immense satisfaction and happiness. For many, happiness is a good job, a great house, a perfect partner, a fab housemaid or cook. Binaifer is overjoyed ever since she discovered this amazing gourmet chef who delivers a wow spread for her parties. Hormuzd can now happily work long hours, thanks to his father’s reliable new caretaker. Dilnaz is finally able to play squash every Sunday, thanks to the new, superefficient housekeeper. Our happiness is so dependent on extraneous factors, which soon become important pillars of our support systems. But what if these suddenly disappeared?

When happiness comes from within, it is more strong, solid and will reflect the real you. These days, before we have completed with the present moment, our mind has already moved onto what’s next. That’s why many complain of life being so fast and that they do not realise where the days go. One agenda follows another and days blend into years. And in the blink of an eye, we have let so many things pass us by. So why wait to pursue happiness when you can make it yours? In a world where everything is fast, it is extremely important to slow down. Here are a few pointers to get you started this New Year en route to pursuing true happiness…

The Five Starting Points: Firstly, commit to becoming child-like. Feel like a child seeing things for the first time. Second, increase your observational skills – speak less, listen more. Third, spend more time in nature. Fourth, get your daily laugh quota no matter what – read funny articles or books or TV programs and have a good hearty laugh. And Fifthly, focus only on the task at hand in the present, and consciously do not think ahead.

Become More Self-Dependent: Tell yourself that your happiness does not depend on others – whether they speak with you or not, compliment you or not – should not be your happiness meter. It all begins with self- belief. Believe that you are good at what you do. Have confidence in how you look and portray yourself. Do not let criticism bring you down. Let it make you stand taller and stronger, and excel. It is good to listen to advice but think for yourself before acting. You know yourself best so let that inner voice guide you.

Being Mentally And Emotionally Healthy Is Being Truly Happy: The body and mind work in tandem. Physical strength will not work if you are a mental or emotional wreck. There will be no urge, impetus, goal or desire. Feeling low, depressed, worried or anxious will not let you go out and conquer the world and achieve your dreams. Your inner world is extremely important to move forward in life. Physical challenges may be overcome with sheer mental grit and determination.

Happiness Is Also About Physical Health: In our quest for happiness, we take our bodies for granted. A healthy body results in the happiest mind. Being in good physical condition helps you fulfil all your dreams including travel and dance, sports etc. Eating right, exercising and staying fit is a boon. All the riches in the world can’t be enjoyed without good physical and mental health!

Scientifically Proven – What Can Make Us Happy:

  1. Sharing quality time with loved ones.
  2. Practising some kind of meditative techniques to calm the mind
  3. Laughing as much as you can
  4. Building healthy and empowering relationships
  5. Showing kindness to others and helping when possible
  6. Self-care – eating healthy, reading quality content

 Wellness Meditation: Making Your Organs Smile Back At You:  

Sit in a comfortable, relaxed position. Do not slouch. If you’re sitting on a chair, let the soles of your feet touch the ground. Or sit cross-legged with a comfortably upright back. Lightly place your hands on your knees, palms facing upwards. Do not hold any mudras. Take a nice deep breath letting the energy move down to your navel and slowly exhale from your nostrils, visualising all the worries and tensions leaving your body. Repeat this twice.

Now, slowly visualise your lungs in your mind’s eye and see them doing their work. Appreciate them mentally for the amazing job they do and send them lots of love and smiles. See the lungs smiling back at you radiating happiness. Bask in that happiness. Now, slowly visualize your heart similarly – beating beautifully. Thank the heart for the fantastic job it does continuously and unconditionally, and send it love and smiles. Feel your heart reciprocating with love. Bask in this happiness.

Mentally move to your liver and repeat the same process. Follow this with the kidneys and then the stomach, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas. Ensure that you send love and smiles to each and every organ and that they radiate happiness. See every organ working beautifully and in total harmony. Take your time. Do not be in a hurry. Finally let your skin feel the same. Stay in this state for as long as you wish to after you have sent love to all the organs. This is an amazing exercise to ensure that all your organs are happy and will keep you happy.

After a while you can rub your palms and place them on your eyes. Slowly open your eyes and let the light through. Slowly bring your palms down. Relax and let that lovely happiness flow through your entire body making you feel rejuvenated in mind and body.

Remember – There is no greater gift than Self-Care and Self-Love to gift yourself! Have a truly HAPPY New Year!

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