No matter what you’ve achieved in your life so far, chances are, you’ve much more to offer and your best is yet to be revealed. Life is a gratifying journey and ageing is a natural process. However, there is a science beyond the physical body – a deeper concurrent science of the soul, that can […]
Author: Ruby Lilaowala
Meherbai’s Mandli Holds Another Jokes Evening!
Meherbai’s Mandli met up again for an fun evening on the benches of her Parsi baug. Five members of the Mandli had no place to sit, so they brought their own small stools, folding chairs and saadris from home to avoid aabroo ma gaabroo, prestige ma puncture and ijjat na kankra! Bomi Bevdo: I went to the […]
Karmic Love
Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired! Feelings of love can make or break us and this is as true today as it was in the very first century BC, when Virgil exclaimed, “Love conquers everything!” Love makes us feel wanted, cherished and part of something larger than ourselves. It makes us feel […]
Alamai Banga’s Search For Love!
Alamai Banga, who stayed near Banganga in Walkeshwar, was quite jealous of her cousins – Siloo Sanga and Ketayun Kanga, since they had become grandmothers two decades ago and she was still a katchi-kumari girl of 70! Alamai, or Aloo, was the permanent ‘gharaak’ of Parsi community’s famous match-maker, Koomi Kaajwali. Koomamai had showed Alamai […]
Indian Philosophies Interpreted In Art Forms
Benjamin Rowland mentions in his book, ‘Art and Architecture of India’, that the works of art are guideposts to lead men by slow or sudden intuition to find the esoteric treasure hidden in the shrine of their own hearts. In art, we find several deities from the Hindu Pantheon of Gods like Ganesha, Nataraja and Vishnu. […]
Meherbai Organises A Jokes Evening!
One evening, the Mandli met at Cusrow Baug on the benches opposite the Agiary. Being good citizens, everyone had worn masks, kept social distance and sat after greeting each other with, “Namestey! Hum sub kuch samajhtey!” Meherbai: Today, we relate jokes – funny episodes from your lives. What actually happened to you – not a third […]
The Illusion Of Life
A great sage in ancient India was giving a discourse on attachment and how it hinders the soul’s progress. “Give up everything to the Lord, ” said the sage, upon which a foolish pupil got up from the crowd, saying that the piece of cloth covering his body was all he had by way of […]
Meherbai And Meherwanji Go To A Mall
Meherwanji loved his Saturday mornings when he would become faregat on his Bapavaji’s easy-chair and read Parsi Times, while his wife pampered him with tea and bataasas. On a recent Saturday, Meherbai read an article which said, ‘Go On A Date With Your Spouse To Keep The Spark Alive In Your Marriage’. Khallas! That was it! She took […]
Pleasure Should Be A Part Of Everyday Life
Do you ration pleasure? Do you reserve it only for high days and holidays? How much pleasure do you allow yourself? Do you section it into chunks, isolate it, or leave it for another day in the future which may never come? Life becomes more enjoyable and rewarding by making just a few straight-forward arrangements. […]
Meherbai’s Trip To Udvada
It was a peaceful Saturday morning and Meherwanji was quietly reading his Parsi Times when Meherbai announced that she wanted a two-day week-end break in Udvada. “I won’t drive that far!” said Meherwanji. “You won’t have to” Meherwanji: Then how do we go? Walking? Meherbai: No! No! My darling Meheloo, my neice Farida and her boy-friend Soli Sales-Tax […]
Death – Then And Now
In the ancient civilizations of ‘Mu’ and ‘Atlantis’, there were certain rules and practices on death, with details of breath-control, mind-control and guiding the ‘last-thought’. In ancient Egypt, occultists could predict whether it was time to ‘to fight for life’ or ‘let go and die’ for their Pharaohs. In the Mayan civilisation, initiates were taught […]