Meherbai’s Lock-Down And Meherwanji’s Knock-Down!

Ever since PM Modi’s speech on being self-sufficient i.e. ‘ atma-nirbhar’, there has been no peace in Meherwanji’s life. He got up early one morning to brush his dentures but couldn’t find the Colgate in the basin-cabinet… Meherwanji: Colgate nu manjan and mouth-wash kya-chey? Meherbai: Manjan na karo! I have thrown both out of the window. Meherwanji: Why? Meherbai: Colgate is not an […]

Gone But Not Forgotten

Film stars are larger than life and live life King-size. However imperfect their lives may be, they inspire awe, passion, frenzy and a huge fan-following during their lifespan. But in death, they zoom to iconic positions, thanks to their fans taking an added interest in their body of work. Radio-stations, TV, newspapers, magazines share lesser […]

Meherbai’s Mandli Discusses ‘How Did You Guys Meet?”

In these hard times, Meherbai’s Mandli met every evening to do elar pelar and gaam-ni-gossip. They also held Antakshri sessions when all the kagras hurriedly flew away hearing their besura voices! Once, they also had a Jokes’s Eve, when all the husbands flew away like the kagras  because all the wives cracked jokes on their husbands! The limit was reached when Koomi Kajwali said, “My […]

What On Earth!!

Everywhere in Nature, there is perfect unity and harmony. Only humans are destructive. We destroy various species of birds, animals, even entire forests. Today, there are hardly any one-horned rhinos left in Assam because they have been ruthlessly hunted down, in the belief that their horns have aphrodisiacal properties! The number of migratory birds in India […]