‘Go Green Wellness Treats, To Connect With 7 Billion Heart Beats’!!! . Celebrating his 50-something Birthday, our 30-something-looking health guru, India’s Wellness Maestro, Dr. Mickey Mehta, shares his Ten Commandments: Mickey Mehta’s initiative for a Disease-Free world. Mickey Mehta’s Wellness Revolution for Human Evolution Mickey Mehta says: ‘Let wellness be the Religion No. 1’ Mickey Mehta says: ‘Medicine Cures, Nature heals!’ Mickey Mehta says: ‘Sleep […]
Category: Health
Coping With Anxiety
What a wonderful place the world would be if everyone worked in harmony and everything went as planned. Instead, we subsist as modern day warriors, living from situation to situation, planning and expecting things to work as per plan. When they don’t, we worry, oblivious to how worry takes over our mind, making us fret […]
The Secret Behind Healthy Relationships
It is a known fact that positive relationships bring about positive changes in the body, mind and soul. Open and honest relationships are beneficial to all. The best relationships are those that respect boundaries. They may not be clear cut, but personal space shouldn’t be invaded without permission. In most relationships the taker-giver equation is […]
The Doctor-Patient Relationship – A Bond Of Trust
I congratulate Parsi times on the theme of this New year issue. Relationships, in general, rest on universal values of trust, honesty and mutual respect. So why does society at large and the editorial team give a special place to the Doctor-Patient relationship? Let me illustrate this by the reaction of both doctors and patients […]
Body Buddy
The relationship we have with our body is intrinsic. Our body is the vessel or the residence of our soul. Just as keeping your residence filthy, cluttered, uncleaned and overflowing with trash makes it a rabid, rampant site for all kinds of pathogenic infestations ultimately leading to your eviction, so also abusing your body by […]
Coping With Grief
Life is beautiful and there is much to rejoice for. Yet those who have lost someone they deeply cared for, be it a parent, sibling, friend, partner, child, close relative or even a pet, perceive it as bleak, dark and dismal. Albeit for a temporary phase, they feel anguished, greatly distressed and heart broken, to […]
5 Exercise Forms To Fight Depression
Studies show that exercise can be effective antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression (and with side effects such as improved health and weight management, rather than the bloating and sexual dysfunction associated with medicines). How does moving the body change the mind? A wealth of work – both in the lab and with patients […]
Coping With Anger
Life can be like a roller coaster ride, at times open and smooth, at other times challenging to the extreme. What helps you manage both, is your ability to adapt and cope with that moment. The word ‘coping’ refers to the ability to deal effectively with something that is challenging and difficult as per the […]
K11 Fitness Funda – A Stretch Can Change Your Life!
“Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape!” says a profound quote! Flexibility and mobility are two minimally practiced activities in a fitness regimen because the primary focus is habitually kept on diet and exercise. Paying attention to flexibility and mobility and not allowing it to fall to the wayside […]
Avoid Coughs And Colds In The Rains
. Treatment For The Common Cold: At the outset, it is pertinent to boost the immunity levels in your body so you can fight the ailment. Here are a few ways to do away with the annoying leaking noses! Chew 8 to 10 tulsi leaves with 3 black peppercorns. Alternatively, you can boil the same […]
Recognising ‘World Menstruation Day’ With Deane
Founder of NGO, ‘Red is the new Green’, Deane de Menezes was recently felicitated by Dadar Parsee Colony’s Senior Citizens Group for her efforts towards generating awareness about ‘menstrual hygiene’. Deane will also be felicitated with the ‘Queens Young Leader Award’ by Queen Elizabeth II, in June this year. On the occasion of ‘World Menstruation […]