From The Editor's Desk

From the Editor’s Desk

May The Fest of Lights Usher In Less of Fights…                             …And Lots Of Unity And Happiness! Dear Readers, Isn’t the human spirit just amazing! How divine and wonderful is the unyielding human inclination, which looks to hang on to and eke out happiness, however meagre, from joyous and celebratory occasions, even in the midst of […]

Truzaar Dordi In 2020’s Class Of ‘Top 30-Under-30 Sustainability Leaders’ In Canada

29-year-old Canadian, Truzaar Dordi, an experienced researcher and doctoral candidate in Sustainability Management at the University of Waterloo – was named as one among the prestigious ‘Top 30-Under-30 Sustainability Leaders of 2020’, by the prominent organisation, Corporate Knights, which recognizes young change-makers and sustainability leaders in Canada for their pathbreaking work and steadfast commitment to their field […]

Nazneen Contractor Makes History As First South-Asian Lead In Hallmark Film: ‘The Christmas Ring’

Indian-born Canadian actor, born to Parsi parents, Nazneen Contractor, known for her roles as ‘Layla Hourani’ in ‘The Border’ and as ‘Kayla Hassan’ in ‘24’, recently made history for being the very first person of Indian and South Asian descent, to play the lead role in a Hallmark movie, namely, ‘The Christmas Ring’ which aired […]

The IranShah Initiative: Education Through Inspiration Not InDOCTORination

CREATION and REACTION Both Contain The Same 8 Letters. However, Inspiration promotes CREATION, which is POSITIVE InDOCTORination provokes REACTION, which is often NEGATIVE Since Education helps expand and empower human experience, our future generation is more receptive towards Education Through Inspiration rather than InDOCTORination. It is because Inspiration Transforms. But, InDOCTORination often Deforms The Psyche Of Humanity: The pragmatic assumption that our […]