From The Editor's Desk

From The Editor’s Desk

Thank You! Dear Readers, First off, let me convey heartfelt thanks on behalf of Team PT for the overwhelming response to our Jamshedi Navroz Special Issue. Your constant feedback and generous appreciation of our efforts equips us with all the encouragement and motivation, to sustain and better the quality of content delivered to you, in […]

From The Editor's Desk

From The Editor’s Desk

Dear Readers, It’s been a week of celebrations in our community in Mumbai, and Parsi Times, as always looks forward to further the noble and never-underestimated cause of such ‘fun with a cause’ community events. These jamborees, which fit seamlessly into our positive default preference for fun and entertainment, foster a sense of the much-needed […]

From The Editor’s Desk

No One Does It Better Than Us! “Khodai! Ek week ma paachhi aavi Diwali! Baddha pagal jewa lok aakkha mara Bombay ma awaaj ne dhumaro karse!” cribbed ‘Granna’, a close friend’s 89-year-old grandmother I visited yesterday. She rocked on her wooden easy-chair with 7-year-old Dipu (the son of Jamuna, her domestic help of fifteen years), […]

The Joy of Giving

Dear Readers, “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived – this is to have succeeded” – these words by famous American literary genius and philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson, resonate with us all. There’s precious few acts which can parallel the immaculate sense of joy we feel when we give, especially […]