Behram Baug Holds 5th Premier League

Behram Baug held its 5th Box Cricket tournament, ‘The Behram Baug Premier League’ on 5th and 6th May, 2018. Organized by Karl Siganporia, Zrvan Elavia, Shanaya Udwadia, Anahita Siganporia, Hanosh Panthaki, Yazad Wadia, Arish Siganporia and Shazmaan Kalwachwalla, a grand auction of all players was held prior to the event, after which 98 participants over […]

Jeroo Billimoria Receives Dutch Civilian Honour

On 26th April, 2018, social worker, Jeroo Billimoria was awarded the eminent Royal Honor from the King of the Netherlands, Willem-Alexander, by being appointed Officer of the ‘Order of Orange-Nassau’ – a Dutch civilian order of chivalry, bestowed on people for providing committed and outstanding service to society. Having established and led multiple international non-governmental organizations based […]

Significance Of Five Gehs

PT: Could you explain the context behind dividing the day into five Gehs in our religion? Er.  Khoremand: The day has been divided into five gehs keeping in mind certain fixed points through the 24 hours, mainly – Sunrise, Mid-day, Evening, Sunset and Midnight. The time divisions were made to gratify the effectiveness of prayers […]

From The Editor’s Desk

We Will Miss Meherwanji… Berry Much! Dear Readers, Before all else, on behalf of Team Parsi Times, I thank you for the innumerable congratulatory and encouraging messages you sent us for Parsi Times Seventh Anniversary and our Anniversary Issue. We are, as always, grateful and delighted with your constant feedback, guidance and support, which has […]

TATA Trusts Initiates ‘Mission Garima’ To Aid Mumbai’s Sanitation Workers

When industri-alist Ratan Tata chanced on a series of pictures by photojournalist Sudharak Olwe, portraying Mumbai’s sanitation workers who spend their lives navigating the city’s waste, Tata initiated an ambitious project, Tata Trusts’ ‘Mission Garima’ (dignity) to aid the lives of 40,000 odd workers of the city who dive into sewers, sweep the streets and work in […]

Popular Parsi Myths V

  Myth: Parsis are a peaceful and peace-loving community and unlike other communities, they have never indulged in rioting. Fact: Anyone and almost everyone would agree that by and large the Parsi community is peaceful and peace-loving and has always been loved by all communities for its charitable disposition and ability to laugh at its […]

Proud Indian ‘FIRSTS’ By Parsis!

1. Printing And Publishing History ‘FIRSTS’: Parsis are known to make history with their many ‘Firsts’, doing both, the Community and the Country very proud. On our seventh anniversary, Parsi Times is proud to share a tribute dedicated to some of our glorious Parsis of yore, across Seven different fields, who individually and collectively consolidated the […]