The Saga of the Shahanshas is an attempt by Adi F. Merchant to chronicle Firdausi Toosi’s poetic magnum opus – The Shahnameh, in prose. Shahnameh or the Book of Kings is the world’s longest epic poem written by the Persian poet Firdausi of Toos between 977 and 1010 CE. Any attempt to translate it from […]
Tag: frontpageslider
UCAV ‘Rustom 2’ Finally Takes Flight
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully carried out the flight test of Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) ‘Rustom 2’ – named after former professor of Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, Rustom Damania – on 25th February, 2018, in Karnataka’s Chitradurga district. Also known as ‘TAPAS-BH-201’, Rustom 2 is a medium-altitude long-endurance UCAV which […]
Spread Smiles, Win Hearts, Earn Blessings With ZTFI
The Zoroastrian Trust Funds of India (ZTFI) is known for its consistent philanthropic activities to help sustain the lives and livelihood of the underprivileged of our community. One of its most popular ventures is its monthly ‘Feed-A-Family’ program where basic but necessary provisions are distributed to over 400 under-privileged Parsi/Irani individuals, which supports them by […]
Taichi Therapy For Emotional Distress
. When things on the personal front do not go as planned, it leads to stress and anxiety. Good relationships make us feel good perhaps due to an increase in dopamine levels, bringing about a sense of excitement and happiness. Things seem great and everything looks beautiful, there’s a buzz to life! But days that […]
Convocation Ceremony At Gamadia Girls School
The Bai MN Gamadia Girls’ High School organised their ‘Infant and Primary Department Convocation’ ceremony on 21st February, 2018, at the school hall, attended by Trustees of Parsee Girls’ School Association (PGSA), Minoo Billimoria, Kersi Comissariat with wife Zarine and Zubin Billimoria, and Parsi Times Assistant Editor, Delaveen Tarapore as Chief Guest. The event commenced […]
First-Ever Ajmalgadh Jasan – A Grand Success
In commemoration of the holy place that housed our Iranshah Atash Padshah for fourteen long years, the by WZOT, in association with Vansda Parsi Zarthosti Anjuman (VPZA) organised a Jasan ceremony on the hill top of Ajmalgadh on 24th February, 2018. Hundreds of devotees attended the Jasan ceremony in the Havan Geh, performed by sixteen […]
Gamadia Boy’s Hostel Revamp Records Excellent Progress
. BPP Trustee Kersi Randeria conceived the movement of reaching out to our philanthropic Community to come forward and donate funds towards the repairs and restoration of the over 80-year-old Gamadia Boy’s Hostel. In keeping with our commitment to Community Causes, Parsi Times took on the onus of being the effective media vehicle which helped […]
I Love The Ladies
…And God made women and blessed the world with Moms, Sis’, Wives of course, lovely Daughters who love their pops to the umpteenth level; Aunts of all sizes, doting Nieces and the pretty girls that make the tedious, gawky years of puberty more liveable, keep the middle age in check and old age in comfort, […]
Popular Parsi Myths
As an ethnic community, Parsis have lived in India for over a millennium and myriad myths have been cherished and closeted which require to be brought out and given an occasional dusting. We realised the need for doing this in the course of a recent interaction with some elders of the community. It dawned on […]
Parsis At Delhi’s International Vintage Car Rally
The ‘Vintage Zoroastrian Bikers of Bombay’ (VZBB) troupe participated in the 21 Gun Salute International Vintage Car Rally and Concourse Show held on 17th and 18th February at New Delhi. Parsi bike enthusiasts, Jazeel Mehta participated on Triumph Tiger 100 1947, Jehangir Foroogh participated on his AJS 1927 Racing Model H7, Xereus Zend participated on […]
‘Parsi Passport’ Tour For XYZ’s Rustom’s Rockstars
On 11th February, 2018, the Xtremely Young Zoroastrians’ Bandra Chapter, ‘Rustom’s Rockstars’ (RR) organized ‘The Parsi Passport’ that helped children get acquainted with our culture and heritage by visiting various Parsi monuments all over Mumbai. The tour included visits to ‘Mancherji Joshi Memorial Statue’, ‘Della Tower’ depicting Persian architecture, in Dadar Parsee Colony; the 40-feet […]