On Saturday August 20, 2016, the Delhi Parsi Anjuman celebrated a warm heartfelt Navroze with the Parsi community getting together to eat, drink and be merry. The Parsi community in Delhi, though small, tries its best to bring in all festivals and other occasions with a feeling of harmony and fun. Though aced with long […]
Tag: frontpageslider
Shehrevar Ameshaspand, Auspicious Bestower Of Gifts To Mankind
PT: What is the difference between Yazads and Ameshaspands? Er. Karanjia: When Dadar Ahura Mazda created the universe and human beings, He also created divine angels, segregated into Yazads and Ameshaspands. Through prayer, we can invoke and receive the help of Yazads to fulfil our wishes and Ameshaspands aid us in our physical, intellectual and […]
ZTFI Celebrates New Year At Parukh Dharamshala
Team ZTFI (Zoroastrian Trust Funds of India) celebrated Parsi New Year with the residents at Parukh Dharamshala (Mumbai) on the 15th of August 2016, with over 75 senior citizens who had a fun time at the event. ZTFI Trustee Yasmin Jal Mistry started off with greetings, and handed sweets and gifts to all the residents, […]
Khordad Saal – Time to Celebrate Perfection
Zoroastrians observe Khordad Roj of Fravardin Mah as Khordad Saal. This is the sixth day of the first month of the Zoroastrian calendar. Each of the 30 days of the month, as also each of the 12 months of the Zoroastrian calendar, is dedicated to an Amesha Spenta (Bounteous Immortal) or a Yazata (Adorable Spiritual […]
Is There Reincarnation In Zoroastrianism?
Before I start this article, I must say that ‘Reincarnation’ has been a rather controversial subject with the Zoroastrians. Why so? Because our Priest-class and some scholars say there is no reincarnation in Zoroastrianism. Some base their dissent on actual study of the scriptures whereas many just go along because the priests says so. However, […]
Chomp And Cheers: Prawn Biryani & Paaya Delight
Prawn Biryani (Serves: 4) Ingredients: 1/2 kg – Prawns; 2 – Onions; 2 – Tomatoes; 2 – Potatoes; 1 – Bunch Corriander; 4 – Bay Leaves; 6 – Cloves; ½ tsp. Jeera; 2 – Star Maze; 4 – Green Cardimoms; 2 – Black Cardimoms; 1 – Stick Cinnamon; ½ tsp. Turmeric; 2 tsp. Kashmiri Chilli […]
Rahul Gandhi Wishes The Community Navroze Mubarak
Parsi Times is privileged to share Navroze Greetings sent to our readers from aapro Rahul Gandhi, MP, Lok Sabha
‘Ma-Ghos’ And ‘Per-Eeda’
Eggs are God’s gift to Parsis. This beautiful gold in white glob enwrapped in a cocoon of calcium carbonate, gives us good nourishment, and pleasure at the same time by titillating our gastronomic senses. It is one of the most versatile culinary wonders which helps churn out some of the quickest and most pleasurable dishes. […]
Those Were The Days…
No matter what you’ve accomplished in life so far, no matter if you are male or female, rich or poor, educated or a moron, chances are, you have a bit of ‘Parsipanu’ in you. It comes as a package-deal with our genes and chromosomes. Other communities call it Parsi-eccentricities but that doesn’t cramp, suffocate or […]
Entrepreneur Extraordinaire And Fitness Expert: Kaizzad Capadia
PT: You’ve worked your way into becoming one of our community’s most successful entrepreneurs and India’s leading fitness expert and educationist today. Share your inspiring journey with us. Kaizzad Capadia: In 1987, I was a 15 year old 49kg skinny kid, hell bent on proving that I was not as weak and puny as I […]
Film Review – Rustom
The only category left unexplored by the Filmfare folks is that of ‘Best Casting Director’. With Akshay Kumar in the eponymous Rustom, based on the celebrated Nanavati case of 1959, this lacuna should hopefully be addressed. But first things first. The film, ‘suggested by actual events’, bears striking resemblances to the incidents of the 1959 […]