મરહુમ મહારાજ શ્રી સ્વયંજ્યોતિના સહકાર્યકર્તા જયેશ એમ. ગોસ્વામી ARIES | મેષ: અ.લ.ઈ. છેલ્લું અઠવાડીયું મંગળની દિનદશામાં પસાર કરવાનું બાકી છે તેથી તમારા મગજ ઉપર કંટ્રોલ ગુમાવતા વાર નહીં લાગે. નાની વાતમાં ઈરીટેટ થઈ જશો. ઉતરતી મંગળની દિનદશા ભાઈ-બહેનો કે મિત્રો વચ્ચે મતભેદ પાડી દેશે. તમારા વાંક-ગુના વગર તે લોકો તમારાથી નારાજ થઈ જશે. નાણાંકીય મુશ્કેલીનો સામનો […]
Tag: frontpageslider
Chomp And Cheers: Gaylord Unveils Fab New Menu
As a food-loving and outgoing community, we always look forward to trying something new, while maintaining our loyalties to our tried and tested favorites. Situated opposite Churchgate station, South Bombay, and known for its Parsi/Irani patronage, the classy and cozy restaurant ‘Gaylord’ now offers us the best of both worlds – being an ‘old’ favorite […]
Home Improvement: Rain Check
With the rains come unwanted and annoying leakages. Here are some basic tips that cost nothing to prevent leakages: Interior Tips: Avoid painting your house during monsoons because the relative humidity is very high and hence drying time is lengthened. If you still need to paint, look for relatively drier days and give a 48-hour […]
Exciting Ride On A Bamboo Bike!
Lawkim Motors Group (LMG) Division of Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. recently launched a ‘bamboo framed bike’ which will be put to test by two Mumbai based cyclist, Sumeet Paringe (26) and Prisiliya Madan (22), who will travel from Kanyakumari to Khardungla, in an attempt to raise awareness about girl child education in India. […]
Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy
Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy, the first Knight of Bombay, the first Indian Baronet, the pride of Parsis, and the first to delve deep into his pockets to bring succor to those in distress, was born 233 years ago on 15th July 1783 in Bombay, to Jejeebhoy and Jeevibai at Yatha Ahuvario Mohlla, somewhere near where Crawford […]
Illuminating Lives Through ‘Light Of Life Trust’!
PT Push is dedicated to furthering the cause of all in our community who wish to share their efforts with our readers, and look to gain your support for their ventures. This week, we feature Villy Doctor, founder of ‘Life Of Light Trust’ (LOLT), which operates in eight talukas across Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, and […]
A Few Good Men… Farokh Engineer
A fantastic cricketer, a happy-go-lucky soul, a humorous and flamboyant personality and more importantly an encyclopaedia on cricket, ex-Indian cricketer, Farokh Engineer has many feathers to his cap. Parsi Times Sports Reporter and an avid cricket enthusiast, Binaisha M. Surti interviews this Padma Shri awardee at the Cricket Club of India, Mumbai. One of the […]
HPY Concludes In Style
HPY’s ‘one month’ concludes with a spunky evening full of smiles, experiences and polished talent. Parsi Times Reporter Khushnuma Dubash gives you an account of the memorable Sunday evening. The Valedictorian function of the Holiday Programme for Youth (HPY) was held on 29th May, 2016 at J.B. Vachha High School, Dadar. This year, the programme […]
XYZ’s Thrilling Weekend Trip
The dynamic XYZ (Xtremely Young Zoroastrians) organised a weekend get-away to River Gate Resort, Karjat on 28th and 29th May, 2016. Over hundred XYZs, with families and friends, attended the overnight trip, organized by Shahazad Enterprises. The participants were accommodated in air-conditioned cottages and enjoyed numerous adventure-sports activities like flying fox, zip line and commando […]
‘Homaji ni Baj’ – Paying a Tribute
Today, 4th June, 2016, marks ‘Govad Roj’ of ‘Dae Mahino’, and is observed as the day of ‘Homaji ni Baj’, marking the death anniversary of the pious and saintly, Homa Jamshed Zaahiaa. Homaji is believed to be the patron saint of those who are timid, falsely accused and those who are troubled inspite of being […]