Helping Your Frightened Pooch Cope With Diwali Don’t Jump When The Crackers Go Off: If you are scared, uneasy or nervous with the sound of firecrackers, your dog could pick up on your subtle signals. Since all dogs look to their owners for a reaction when they are apprehensive, it is important for the owner […]
Tag: Shrin Merchant
Pet Puja: All Creatures Great And Small
As a city, Mumbai has always had a dearth of good veterinary facilities. Getting an x-ray would mean sneaking your dog into a human clinic and rushing through the process with technicians who would be huddled in a corner away from the dog; blood tests had to be done at a human laboratory and medicines […]
Pet Puja: Golden Oldies
The Benefits Of Adopting An Adult Dog For the past few months the Shroffs were debating getting a new dog. It was three years since their last dog had passed away. But with the tight schedule the family had with school, tuitions, the cook on vacation, and Mr. Shroff working longer hours, Mrs. Shroff just […]