
Parsi Pride And Parsipanu Dear Readers, We enter the second month of the year with a renewed sense of faith and pride in our Parsipanu, as some of our stalwarts successfully restrengthen the glorious Parsi legacy, in terms of both – exceptional achievements and exemplary deeds of service. The community rejoiced on the eve of […]


Give… But Smartly! This is the smart era – there’s smart phones, smart TVs, smart everything these days, except of course for smart people. Maybe this is the downside of modern technology – it robs us, bit by bit, of our self-reliance, in the name of convenience. It started a few decades ago, with the […]

‘WAPIZ Helping Hands For Seniors’ – Making A Huge Difference

The recently launched initiative for the community’s elderly – ‘WAPIZ Helping Hands For Seniors’ has been extending help to the needy and helpless silvers of our community. Headed by Anahita Desai and Karryesh Patel, the benevolent team has been making a huge difference in the lives of to our community’s unfortunate and underprivileged seniors. “It’s […]

Cleanliness Is Indeed Next To Godliness! – Volunteers Assist In Keeping Our Agiaries Clean

“This venture was initially started by two residents of the Gamadia Girls Hostel. On visiting the Agiaries, they felt that their contribution towards the maintenance of our holy places could prove to be useful. They approached WAPIZ for guidance to help them get started and help them with basic cleaning amenities,” said Anahita Desai, who […]