It is a known fact that positive relationships bring about positive changes in the body, mind and soul. Open and honest relationships are beneficial to all. The best relationships are those that respect boundaries. They may not be clear cut, but personal space shouldn’t be invaded without permission. In most relationships the taker-giver equation is […]
Tag: Wellness
Coping With Grief
Life is beautiful and there is much to rejoice for. Yet those who have lost someone they deeply cared for, be it a parent, sibling, friend, partner, child, close relative or even a pet, perceive it as bleak, dark and dismal. Albeit for a temporary phase, they feel anguished, greatly distressed and heart broken, to […]
5 Exercise Forms To Fight Depression
Studies show that exercise can be effective antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression (and with side effects such as improved health and weight management, rather than the bloating and sexual dysfunction associated with medicines). How does moving the body change the mind? A wealth of work – both in the lab and with patients […]
Avoid Coughs And Colds In The Rains
. Treatment For The Common Cold: At the outset, it is pertinent to boost the immunity levels in your body so you can fight the ailment. Here are a few ways to do away with the annoying leaking noses! Chew 8 to 10 tulsi leaves with 3 black peppercorns. Alternatively, you can boil the same […]
Heal Thyself… And Others: Career In TaiChi
. PT: Explain the basic concept of Tai Chi – as a practice and healing medium Kashmira: TAICHI CHUAN is an approximately 5000 year old Chinese internal martial art. Popularly called ‘meditation in movement’ due to its slow, graceful, almost dancelike moves, it focuses on the body’s energy (qi) flow and on breathing techniques. It […]
Ripple Effects
. Do Something Today, That Your Future Self Will Thank You For… This column puts you on the track to jumpstarting your journey towards your personal and professional success.. Stay tuned in to our ‘Ripple Effects Series’ dedicated to ensuring that you come out on top in all you do! . To Succeed, […]
Rains – The Great Cleanser
We eagerly wait for the rains to come. When we feel parched and find the heat unbearable, we pray to the Rain Gods. Rains are an amazing cleanser and a therapeutic balm of nature, cleansing Mother Earth and wash away that arid feeling, helping us all renew. We desperately await the rains to escape the […]
તમારા માટે કામ કરે તેવી એનર્જી તમે જ બનાવો
દવાના પિતા સમાન હિપોક્રેટસના વાકયો કુદરતી રીતે સારા થવાની શક્તિ આપણા પોતાનામાં છે. આપણી બીમારીને દૂર કરી હકારાત્મક શક્તિથી મજબૂતાઈ આપવાની જવાબદારી તે આપણી ને આપણી પોતાની જ છે. કેશ્મિરા શૉ રાજ જે રેકી એકસ્પર્ટ, તાઈચી માસ્તર અને ટેરોટ ક્ધસલ્ટન્ટ આપણી સાથે, તમારામાં રહેલી ઉર્જાથી તમે તમારા દર્દને દૂર કરવામાં સફળતા કેવી રીતે મેળવી શકો […]
Make Your Energy Work For You
How To Relieve Yourself Of Physical Pain Any pain tends to be debilitating for the body. Physical suffering can make people change their temperament for the worse. The following tips help alleviate physical pain: Close your eyes and breathe slowly and comfortably for a few minutes or about 36 long and easy breaths. Now […]
Psoriasis And Homeopathy
Psoriasis is a long-lasting skin disorder typically characterized by red, itchy and scaly patches on the skin. It is a relapsing skin disease in which skin cells rapidly rise from their origin below the surface of the skin and mount up on the surface before they mature resulting into thick patches on the skin. Psoriasis […]
Combat Those Pimples
A pimple on the skin doesn’t leave easily with soaring temperatures. With the right diet, one can achieve one’s goals of a clear complexion. Here are a few tips to a flawless skin: Cleanse your face with warm water and soap free face-wash. Apply cleansing milk and rub it in till oil floats. Remove with […]