ZWAS (Zoroastrian Women’s Assembly Of Surat) has been keeping all our Surtis all charged up with its delightful sequence of events lined up. In August 2019, a Prayer Competition was organised at Pak Kadim Atashbehram, where the children exhibited their religious fervour with great devotion and dedication. The Prayer competition was judged by Er. Navroz […]
Tag: Zoroastrian
PZSM Inaugurates Zappy Zoroastrians
To further their long-standing community services in Pune, the PZSM (Poona Zarthosti Seva Mandal) inaugurated yet another much appreciated and needed activity, on 7th September, 2019 – special weekly classes for tots titled ‘Zappy Zoroastrians’, for Zoroastrian children in and around Pune. The fortnightly classes will be held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of […]
The Protocol Of Death
The passing away of a loved one or even an acquaintance is indeed a tough situation to face. This is not an attempt to debate for or against the efficacy of the Dokhmenashini system. However, should we choose to have the last rites at the Doongerwadi, then there is protocol to follow. In recent years, […]
Dasturji Kookadaru Saheb
. A simple man, one who lived a humble and yet exalted existence. Dastoorji Kookadaru Saheb, the divinely smiling photograph in all Agiaries and Atashbehrams belies the lofty status of the revered Dastoorji Saheb. Kookadaru Sahebji and his life is perhaps the most recent recorded history that we have, which proves beyond any doubt, the […]
FEZANA Logo Competition For WZC – 2022
The 12th World Zoroastrian Congress (WZC 2022) will be held in New York, USA, in 2022, hosted by ZAGNY (Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York), a member of FEZANA (Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America). The organizing team of the WZC2022 has announced a competition to design a logo for the Congress which celebrates the […]
The 7th World Zoroastrian Youth Congress: A Report
Four hundred Zarathushti youth from across the world (India, Pakistan, UK, UAE, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Iran, Singapore, Hong Kong, Kenya and the host nation USA) gathered at the beautiful Pacific Palms Resort in California, USA, to participate in the week-long, 7th World Zoroastrian Congress (7WZYC), hosted by California Zoroastrian Center (CZC), which kicked off […]
Parsipanu – Living The Zoroastrian Way Of Life
One often hears Parsis say that they are proud to be Parsis. However, try asking the average Parsi in the street what it means to be a Zarathushtrian (a follower of Prophet Zarathushtra) and you are likely to draw a blank. At best, you are likely to hear the over-simplified and stereotyped message of, ‘Good […]
WZCC Pune Establishes Youth And WE Wings
At a meeting held on 20th July, 2019, the Pune chapter of the World Zarathushti Chambers of Commerce (WZCC), established its very own ‘Youth’ and ‘Women Entrepreneurs’ Wings, under the able leadership of Tehmasp K. Bharucha, Chapter Chair, WZCC, Pune. The membership of WZCC consists of various categories of members belonging to different age groups, […]
Ahmedabad hosts FPZAI AGM
On the 20th and 21st of July, 2019, The Federation of the Parsi Zoroastrian Anjumans of India (FPZAI) held its Annual General Meeting and Executive Council Meeting in Ahmedabad (Gujarat), at the Sir Navroji Vakil Hall, where 60 Representatives representing 38 Anjumans from all over India were present, including Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) Chairman Yazdi Desai and […]
Cyrus The (Not So) Great
.s I’ll start with the greetings Mark Anthony used when he saw Brutus for the first time post the assassination of Julius Caesar… ‘Kem Cho’? However, our lovely editor Anahita, has just informed me that this is a print medium, and so unfortunately our… millions of readers won’t be able to reply to any greetings […]
The Devil Wears Your Weakness!
Most religions see the Devil or Satan as the antithesis of God and all that is good. Although this archfiend features in some form or the other in almost every religion, many scholars aver that the concept of the ‘evil spirit’, as also ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ was first introduced by Zoroastrianism, especially to the three […]