Every year, Frohar Foundation presents ‘The Zoroastrian Saga’ – an opportunity to learn about the history, heritage, culture, legacy and religion of our vibrant Community. Designed, conceptualized and organized by Er. Dr. Cyrus Dastoor, Founder and Director of Frohar Films and Trustee of Forhar Foundation, this annual exhibition, held at Albless Baug (Charni Road, Girgaum, Mumbai 400004), showcases significant events in the history of Zoroastrianism and its heritage.
The exhibition presents, in the form of model and text, an excellent range of religious, historical, ritual and cultural information including the history of the Zoroastrian Kings of Iran and various Iranian Dynasties including King Cyrus the Great’s First Charter of Human Rights and King Darius the Great: Naqsh-e-Rustom; the story of Prophet Zarathustra; Journey from Iran to India; Shahnameh of Firdausi Toosi; Rites and rituals covering Jashan, Wedding, Navjote, Death and After-Death ceremonies, Navar, Maratab, Yasna, Vandidad, etc.; Models depicting the inside of our fire temple, sacred Varasiaji and his home, Tower of Silence (Dokhma); significance of the Ameshpands and Yazatas; etc. The exhibition is summarized into a book titled ‘The Zoroastrian Saga’, which will be available at the venue.
Inaugurated by Vada Dasturji Cyrus Dastur Noshirvan Dastur (Surat), on 19th April, 2018, this cultural gala is open to all till 21st April 2018 (daily 11:30am to 8:30 pm). In addition to the exhibition during the day, entertainment programmes will be held in the evenings. Friday showcased a Rangoli competition in the early evening followed by a fun Antakshari session. Saturday presents numerous events including an Inter-Religious Dialogue in the morning, followed by dance, drama, music and masti for all! Saturday also marks the Grand Finale with an evening XYZ Cook-off and Sing-along. And no Parsi programme is complete without Lagan nu Bhonu!
The ‘Zoroastrian Saga’ compliments the three Frohar Films Tele-serials – ‘Humata Hukhta Hvarshta’; ‘Asha Vahishta – Sarvottam Satya’; and ‘Dudh Ma Sakar’, by showcasing these various aspects in the form of 3D and 2D models, table displays, audio-visuals, texts etc. displayed over a large area for everyone to visit and take their time in absorbing the multitude of information. The new arrival this year is ‘Kavyani Zando’- the national flag of Ancient Iran.
For details please, contact Frohar Foundation: Ph: 8655069313/22000831 or Email: froharfoundation@gmail.com
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