The first seven days, according to our calendar, are named after the Seven Ameshaspands. Each of these also has some helpers or assistants who assist them in performing their righteous duty. The significance of the Ameshaspands is as given under:
- Dadar Hormuzd – the Wisdom and the Spirit of God (Spenta Mainyu): Every man requires the wisdom and the spirit of God in order to be aware and live according to the rightful injunctions of Ahura Mazda.
- Bahman Ameshaspand – The Good Mind (Vohu Manah): The Good Mind is God’s greatest gift to man, for it is from the Good Mind that man learns to develop a perception of the world around him. He becomes a co-creator of his reality when perceived through the vibrations of the Good Mind. The possibilities of what you can create with your Vohu Mano are indeed limitless!
- Ardibehesht Ameshaspand – Best Truth (Asha Vahishta): Man learns to cherish the truth for its own sake. The Highest Good is based upon the Highest Truth. Ardibehest Ameshaspand is the spiritual fire that glows within us all. It is up to us whether we wish to feed it with positivity and prayer, or dump upon it, the negativity that rises within us.
- Sherevar Ameshaspand strength or the Sovereign Kingdom (Khshathra Vairya): These give man the strength to implement the will and goodness of God in this world. Sherevar Ameshaspand rules over the metals and ore of the world. Our trade and industries runs with the blessings of this Ameshaspand.
- Aspandarmad Ameshaspand – Piety and Devotion (Armaiti): Man must learn to accept this will through Piety and Devotion (Armaiti), in order to experience cosmic harmony. It is bound to the vibration of our earth and the waters therein. We must respect the wonderful planet on which we live, or face the consequences of our complacency.
- Khordad Ameshaspand – Perfection (Haurvatat): The experience of this Harmony lies in Perfection (Haurvatat) of whatever one does. This Ameshaspand helps us to aspire for perfection. Ahura Mazda created a perfect world and He has given us the free will, which we must use every day to chose beauty, truth, perfection… every single day of our lives.
- Amardad Ameshaspand – Eternal Bliss: When every thought, word and deed, brings about the defeat of Evil, this will result in a state of undyingness (Ameretat). Death was not the creation of Ahura Mazda. It was the creation of Angreh Mainyu – the evil one. Ahura’s world is eternal and blissful. Amardad Ameshaspand reminds us of this.
When we recite our prayers there is a passage where we have to say the name of the month, the day and the geh in which we say the prayers. This connects us to the specific vibration of that particular Ameshaspand and our entire month is filled with the divine blessings from those Ameshasapands.
The list given below will help you to recite the correct name of the month and day. For example if it is Khordad Mahino and Aneran Roj, then we say “Roj nek naam, roj paak naam, roj Mubarak, Mino Aneran, Mahe Mubarak Khordad Ameshaspand gah e Havan,” and so on…
The Seven Ameshaspands and their Assistants:
(I) Dadar Hormazd Daepadar Dadar Daepmeher Dadar Daepdin Dadar |
(II) Bahman Ameshaspand Mohor Yazad Gosh Yazad Mino Ram |
(III) Ardibehest Ameshaspand Adar Yazad Sarosh Yazad Behram Yazad |
(IV) Shehrevar Ameshaspand Khur (Khordad Yazad) Meher Yazad Mino Aasmaan Mino Aneran |
(V) Aspandarmad Ameshaspand Avan Yazad Din Yazad Ard (Mino Ashishwang) Mino Mahrespand |
(VI) Khordad Ameshaspand Teshtar Tir Yazad Ardafravash (Farokh Farvardin) Govad Yazad . |
(VII) Amardad Ameshaspand Rashne Rast Yazad Aastaad Yazad Jamyad Yazad |
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