Iranshah Udvada Utsav 2019 Lives Up To Its Promise Of Bigger And Better!!

Over 3,000 Community Members Attend Over 3 Days! The three-day extravaganza saw a huge turnout of people not only from India but from all over the world having a gala time – including celebrities and luminaries from our community, leading businessmen, BPP Trustees including Kersi Randeria, Noshir Dadrawala, Xerxes Dastur and Viraf Mehta. The young […]

‘Parsis – A Timeless Legacy’: A Pictorial Odyssey!

The first thing you notice is the tremendous effort that went into these perfect pictures by camera-maestro, Shantanu Das, who employed the very best of his 20-plus-years expertise and perfected techniques, to document our glorious Parsi culture, traditions and people. Travelling across Mumbai, Kolkata, Udvada, Navsari, Surat, Nargol and Sanjan, Shantanu’s popular clicks captured special […]