Meherbai’s Mandli Celebrates Parsi Times’ 11th Birthday!

Ever since Parsi Times announced its 11th Anniversary issue, there was hustle and bustle, joy and excitement in Meherbai’s Mandli, who celebrated any and every event with khani-peeni-masti and majhaa! The red letter day arrived and every Mandli member woke-up early to do chok-chaadan, toran and sev-rawa na sagan. Then they jointly called up the editor of PT. to […]

Meherbai’s Mandli Discusses Politics!

Despite her age, Meherbai always believed that just as we feed the body daily, we should give food to the brain through intellectual discussions. Hence, she requested Jabri Jaloo to organise a tea party at her club where the Mandli-members could discuss politics. Now Jaloo played her own politics by inviting her bhookhi-baaras cousin, Silloo, to the party. Silloo needed no introduction […]

Meherbai’s Mandli Discusses Jamshedi Navroze

Meherbai organised a high-level Mandli-meeting at her house over tea, and ordered cakes, pastries, souffles, puffs, sandwiches, rolls, pattice and cheese-straws. Keki Khadhro, who insisted on having tea first, demolished most of the snacks and even took the left-overs home in his bajaar-ni-theli. That done, Meherbai asked, “What is on 21st March?” She got an assortment of answers, except the right […]

Meherbai’s Mandli Meet For Some Elaar-Pelaar

The Mandli met at Freny Fatakri’s spacious house over tea and snacks which included an exotic chocolate-liquor-cake, mutton samosas, kolmi kababs and chicken nuggets. Khadhri Faridafui: Bus!! Only this much snacks? Meherbai: Everyone has brought along some snack. Farida dikra, what have you brought? Faridafuiji: I have brought my mittho husband, Henpecked Hormusji. Sorry, I’m late as I’m taking singing lessons […]