Magical Monsoon

Monsoon 2022 finally seems to have arrived bringing relief from the sweltering heat of the Indian summer. In our opinion, monsoon is magical and mood enhancing. We agree that in cities like Mumbai, heavy rains along with high tide can cause flooding, disrupt traffic and even bring trains to a grinding halt. But this happens […]

June Offerings At NCPA

Quasar Thakore Padamsee presents Lungs, an intensely intimate, intricate and funny play about imperfect love in an imperfect world. Written by critically acclaimed British playwright Duncan Macmillan, this play is about a couple who contemplates about having a child in a world that seems doomed to implode because of overpopulation and climate change. A profound topic laced with […]

Adieu BPP

Of the five sitting trustees of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP), I was the only trustee who decided not to recontest, despite being eligible for one final term of office at BPP for five years. It is a decision that I do not regret. Almost thirty-five years ago my mentor, Late Russi M Lala (well-known […]

Converting Leave & License To Tenancy Is A Pre-Election Gimmick

Well known author and journalist Christopher Hitchens once said, “The only people truly bound by campaign promises are the voters who believe them.” This is indeed a profound truth. Universally and not just within our community, smooth and sweet-talking politicians make tall promises leaving voters feeling short changed post elections. Right now, some candidates have […]

Team CTC’s Vision And 10 Commandments

With the basic aim of ‘Building Trust, Rebuilding Credibility’, Team CTC, comprising Kersi Randeria, Dr. Adil Malia, Lion Daara Patel, Hoshang Jal and Er. CA Farhad Hozdar, shares its Vision via its ‘10 Commandments’, broadly covering its Objectives as under: HOUSING: Even as Housing is a much discussed and much debated subject and for obvious […]