Social Media Put To Great Use!

FB’s Worldwide Zoroastrians Sets The Right Precedent! The pandemic has popularised Social Media Platforms (SMP) to another level altogether. Some of today’s most popular SMPs used are Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc. Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram definitely mark the top three most used SMPs by our community members. While WhatsApp is the […]

Tata Steel Rededicates Sir Dorabji Tata Park To Jamshedpur Residents

10th October, 2020, which marked the 141st birth anniversary of Lady Meherbai Tata, wife of Sir Dorabji Tata, Tata Steel (Jamshedpur) rededicated the Sir Dorabji Tata Park in Bistupur, to Jamshedpur residents, on the occasion of the Park’s silver anniversary. On the occasion, Tata Steel CEO and Managing Director, TV Narendran, unveiled the renovated park […]